October 2020 Table of Contents, Issue #447

Letter from the Publisher

Jonathan Collin, MD

Jule Klotter

Our Feature Article:
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Devices in the Care and Management of Neurological Disorders

Dr. William Pawluk, MD with Nancy Faass, MSW, MPH and Jerry Stine, CNC
William Pawluk, MD, is North America’s leading authority on pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. In this article, he describes clinical application of PEMF devices, which send magnetic fields through the body, to address a range of neurological disorders, including memory loss, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and traumatic brain injury.

Dr. Jacob Schor Retires from the Natural Medicine Journal

Pathways to Healing
Elaine Zablocki
Metabolic Flexibility for Long-Term Health

Literature Review & Commentary
Alan R. Gaby, MD


The Institute for Functional Medicine and the American Nutrition Association Release New Online Nutrition Course

Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the Law
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

CRP Screening Protocol to Help Control the Spread of COVID-19… and the Next Pandemic
John Morgenthaler and Paul Taylor, PhD
Testing C-reactive protein level, which rises during early immune activation, may be an inexpensive and quick way to identify COVID-positive people early and, thereby, slow disease spread.

Parkinson’s Disease – The Vascular Connection and More
L. Terry Chappell, MD
Several complementary and alternative treatments provide benefits for Parkinson’s without the adverse cardiovascular effects of levodopa.

Evidence-Based Nutritional Interventions for Pediatric Brain Health
Carrie Decker, ND
Addressing nutrient deficiencies in children improves cognitive function and reduces attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Behavioral Changes Resulting from Microbiome Restoration: An Integrative Veterinarian’s Perspective

Margo R. Roman, DVM
Restoring the GI microbiome by using fecal microbiota transplantation has improved mood and behavior in animals and humans.

Multisensory Integration Often Overlooked for the Treatment of Brain Disorders
Mary Ann Block, DO, PA
Multisensory integration, using technology that targets five senses at once, is helpful for people with neurological and brain disorders, including dementia, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, autism, ADHD, and more.

Using the Endocannabinoid System to Address Alzheimer’s Disease
Kellie Raydon, ND, MSOM
The body’s endocannabinoid system offers multiple possible therapeutic avenues for preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Mental Health, the Brain, and PTSD

Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC
Frequency specific microcurrent’s ability to reduce inflammation and restore normal vagal function has led to its use as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and other cognitive and mood disorders associated with chronic stress and trauma.

Estrogen Vindication, Part 2: Estrogen, Cancer Stem Cells, and Studies

Devaki Lindsey Berkson, DC
Part 2 is a critical look at the studies that popularized the estrogen-breast cancer link and the studies’ shortcomings.

Biochemical Observations on Women’s Moods and Hormones

Phyllis Bronson, and D. M. Smith
Researchers explain how the structure and biochemical effects of synthetic progestin differ from that of natural progesterone and how those differences lead to increased risk of major depression in women on hormonal birth control.

Anti-Gravity Suit Failure

William Ferril, MD
Among its many roles in the body, sulfur is needed for osmotic movement of water, defying the pull of gravity. The sagging, bagging, crunching, and hunching associated with aging are signs of insufficient sulfur.

The Stressed Brain – A Clinician’s Perspective: Part 1

Jonathan E. Prousky, ND, MSc, MA, RP(Qualifying)
Psychological distress, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, result when the body’s ability to handle chronic stress is overwhelmed.

Book Review

Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions
by Johann Hari
review by Jule Klotter

Book Notice

Evidence-Based Clinical Chelation: A Textbook with Protocols for the Treatment of Chronic Metal Exposure
by Dr. E. Blaurock-Busch PhD, et al.

Ask Dr. J
Jim Cross, ND, LAc
B Vitamin Urine

Environmental Medicine Update
Marianne Marchese, ND
Mercury – Neurotoxicity and Memory

Townsend Calendar

Pediatric Pearls
Michelle Perro, MD
Autism: Neurodiverse or Neurodysfunction?

List of Advertisers in this Issue

Curmudgeon’s Corner
Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
Exposure to Fine Particulates Worsens Episodic Memory, A Marker of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alan R. Gaby, MD
Where Is the Money Going in Healthcare?

Online Only

Reduce Initial Dose of the Virus and Optimize Your Immune System

Erik Peper, PhD, BCB, and Richard Harvey, PhD
Faculty at San Francisco State University present strategies to reduce viral dosage exposure and strengthen the immune system, decreasing the risks from respiratory infectious diseases like COVID-19.