Table of Contents, November 2021, Issue #460

Letter from the Publisher

Jonathan Collin, MD
TL’s publisher reviews a publication about manganese and GERD and highlights several articles in this month’s issue, including articles about fibromyalgia, pain management, long-haul COVID, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more.

In Memoriam
| Guru Sandesh Singh Khalsa

A tribute to a naturopathic physician who served the naturopathic medicine profession for decades as a teacher, mentor, college administrator, and visionary.


Jule Klotter
This month’s column focuses on electromagnetic radiation and its effects on health and immune function.

Literature Review & Commentary

Alan R. Gaby, MD
Treatments for COVID-19, nutrients associated with neurological abnormalities, eating patterns and health status, and probiotics to prevent dental caries are among this month’s topics.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Critical Component in Managing Myalgic Encephalitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Debby Hamilton, MD, MPH
Debby Hamilton, MD, MPH, an integrative pediatrician who is also board-certified in physician nutrition, specializes in treating patients with chronic conditions. In this article, she explains the role of mitochondria in ME/CFS, how to test mitochondria function, and how to improve patient symptoms with nutritional supplements.

Eliminating Persistent Post-COVID Symptoms and CFS/Fibromyalgia

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Like other viral infections, SARS-CoV-2 can produce long-term symptoms that resemble chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia – symptoms that respond to Teitelbaum’s SHINE protocols.

The COVID-19 Long-Hauler Conundrum: A New Perspective

Diana Crumpler
The role of oxidative stress in chronic fatigue syndrome and in COVID-19 suggest that CFS protocols may also be useful in treating post-COVID symptoms.

An Integrative Approach to Physical and Emotional Health: Psychoneuroimmunology, Clinical Hypnosis, and Complementary Possibilities

Brother Bernard Seif, SMC, EdD, DNM, ABBHP
Integrating behavioral health practices and clinical hypnosis into the care of seriously ill patients can help them heal physically and emotionally.

Functional Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

James Greenblatt, MD
Addressing nutrient deficiencies required for serotonin production are necessary in order to treat OCD successfully.

Roadmap for COVID-19 Prevention and Recovery

Karina Gordin, MSc
In this interview, Joseph Mercola, DO, presents research about out-patient treatments for COVID-19 that support immune function and prevent hospitalization.

Inflammatory Storm, Metabolism of Prostaglandins, and COVID-19

Dr. Efrain Olszewer, MD, and Dr. E. Blaurock-Busch, PhD
Specific nutrients and botanicals may inhibit the inflammatory cytokine storm that can occur during COVID-19 and other viral infections.

Advances in Pain Management with Light Therapy

Len Saputo, MD, with Jerry Stine, NC
Doctors need to know that light therapy (aka photobiomodulation) has shown outstanding clinical effectiveness for pain management in all kinds of conditions.

Adrenaline Dominance

Michael E. Platt, MD
A number of common symptoms are caused by excess adrenaline, which can be resolved through diet, progesterone, and controlling insulin.

Fibromyalgia and the Brain – It’s Not Just What You Think

Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC
Prolonged increase in the neurotransmitter corticotrophin releasing factor leads to a cascade of symptoms experienced by people with fibromyalgia.

Is This a Pandemic of Virology or Toxicology?

Lyn Patrick, ND, and Anne Marie Fine, NMD, FAAEM
Helping the body cope with environmental toxins can improve immune function and decrease COVID-19 severity.

Toxic Legacy

Stephanie Seneff, PhD
This excerpt from a new book about glyphosate shines light on the herbicide’s widespread, damaging effects on human health and the environment.

Synopsis: Dr. Franklin L. Shively’s Multiple Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy of Cancer

Linda L. Isaacs, MD

Healing with Homeopathy

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW
Homeopathy to Heal Mold Illness
Homeopathic carbon remedies may help people suffering from mold exposure and chemical sensitivity.

Cancer in the Time of Cholera Vaccine

Tina Kaczor, ND
Dukoral®, a vaccine to prevent traveler’s diarrhea, reduces death rates due to some cancers.

List of Advertisers in this Issue

Curmudgeon’s Corner

Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
Measles Triggers Immune Amnesia
A look at research that links measles infection to immune suppression and vaccination to the prevention of other, unrelated infections.

Women’s Health Update

Tori Hudson, ND
Menstrual Pain, Fibromyalgia, and Unexplained Fatigue in Women
Vitamin D for menstrual cramps and a look at fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue in women are the topics for this month’s column.

Calendar of Events


Alan R. Gaby, MD
Pharmaceutical Industry Money Biases Medical Education
The drug industry has bought its way into every avenue of medical education, and doctors need to be aware of the resulting bias and conflicts of interest.


Dr. Franklin L. Shively’s Multiple Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy of Cancer

Linda L. Isaacs, MD

Before William D. Kelley, DDS, and Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, employed oral pancreatin to treat cancer, an Ohio surgeon treated cancer patients with intravenous proteolytic enzymes, a treatment banned by the Food and Drug Administration in 1964.