Table of Contents, April 2022, Issue #465

Letter from the Publisher

Jonathan Collin, MD

TL’s publisher urges practitioners to contact the US Pharmacopeia, which wants new standards for compounded drugs that will likely restrict access. He also highlights this issue’s articles on the COVID vaccine spike protein and the immune-boosting power of hope and recommends a novel – “just for fun.”


Jule Klotter
This month’s column looks at the possible benefits of taurine for macular degeneration, an update on the health effects of dental mercury amalgams, and the physiological role of exclusion water.

In Memory of James S. Turner

For nearly 50 years, Mr. Turner, one of the original “Nader’s Raiders,” advocated for consumer health.

Literature Review & Commentary

Alan R. Gaby, MD
Nutrients for skin disorders, calcifediol for COVID-19, and the failings of American healthcare are among this month’s topics.

On the Cover

Canceling the Spike Protein – Striking Visual Evidence

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Board-certified cardiologist and a bar-certified attorney, Thomas E. Levy, presents evidence of blood abnormalities, such as rouleaux formation, found in some people with long-haul COVID-19 and those who experience adverse reactions to the vaccine. His clinical experience indicates that high-dose vitamin C can reverse the abnormalities.

Mindset as Medicine: How the Power of Belief and Hope Can Heal

Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFMCP
Widespread anxiety and loss of social connection and hope are important comorbidities in COVID-19 – as important as physical issues like diabetes – and need to be addressed by physicians.

The Role of the Peak Flow Meter in the Management of the Patient Receiving Allergy Immunotherapy

Diego Saporta, MD
Peak flow meters can be used to monitor the safe administration of allergy immunotherapy and to monitor response to treatment.

Integrative Approach to Inhalant Allergies

Debby Hamilton, MD, MPH
The immune imbalance that occurs with allergic rhinitis can be modulated with nutraceutical products.

Diagnosis of the Pathophysiology of Chronic Mucosal Diseases of Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma, and Otitis Media as Seen by an Otolaryngologist

David S. Hurst, MD, PhD, and Alan B. McDaniel, MD
Intradermal dilution testing, which is more sensitive than skin prick tests, allows doctors to identify more people with allergic conditions and offer effective treatment with immunotherapy.

Eye Disease, Integrative Vision Care, and Nutrition

Marc Grossman, OD, LAc
Nutrients and lifestyle measures can help prevent vision loss due to five common eye disorders.

Energy Medicine, the New Paradigm to Displace the Medical Establishment

Richard Gale and Gary Null
Energy medicine and biofields, supported by peer-reviewed research, continues to be disparaged by Wikipedia and Science Based Medical skeptics.

A Surprising Menopause: A Case Study: Part 2

Deborah McKay, ND
In this continuation of the February/March cover story, Dr. McKay reveals how a combination of hormone therapy, diet, and “tapping” helped a patient move forward.

Decoding Cancer Genes

Heather Hannon, MSN, RN, ANP-BC
Genetic counseling can identify people who are at the highest risk of getting cancer, which can lead to earlier detection and better outcomes.

Ask Dr. J

Jim Cross, ND, LAc
Animal, Vegetable, Junk
A new book looks at the social ramifications of agriculture and the food we eat.

Applied Kinesiology Management of Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD): A Case Report

Scott Cuthbert, DC
This detailed case report recounts how applied kinesiology helped to resolve a woman’s pain and headaches that increased for months after a motor vehicle accident.

Healing with Homeopathy

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman
Is Homeopathy Too Good to Be True?
Drawing on her four decades as a homeopath, the author addresses common questions about homeopathy and its use.

Curmudgeon’s Corner

Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
No Citation Allowed
Lowering exposure to free particulates in air pollution reduces hospitalization and deaths due to cardiovascular disease and stroke; but the EPA has refused to act on the science.

The Lobay Viewpoint

Douglas Lobay, BSc, ND
Licorice: An Enigma Wrapped in a Riddle?
Although licorice is a valuable botanical medicine and popular candy, too much can cause hypertension and other toxic effects.

Calendar of Events


  • Leader in Molecular Medicine Wants Nitric Oxide in the Hands of Every Person
  • GMB Enterprises, Inc. Acquires Mountain Peak Nutritionals

Women’s Health Update

Tori Hudson, ND
Perimenstrual Asthma
The normal perimenstrual fluctuations of sex hormones can affect the severity of asthma symptoms in women.

List of Advertisers in this Issue


Alan R. Gaby, MD
COVID-19: The Silver Lining That Could Have Been
Nutritional medicine could have played a greater role in COVID-19 treatment, but “there was too much inertia to overcome.”