Townsend e-Letter


06 April 2024

Are randomized controlled clinical trials really the gold standard, or just when it’s convenient? Townsend’s editor takes a closer look at the response to Dr. Tom Jefferson’ latest Cochrane review of randomized controlled trials on viral transmission and face masks and highlights a globally patented dental appliance that reduces stress in the entire body.
CLICK TO READ: Letter from the Editor

Polyphenols, such as quercetin, resveratrol, and curcumin, protect the endothelium that lines the vascular system from damage caused by fluoride toxicity and Covid-19.
CLICK TO READ: Fluoride Factors in Covid-19 and Endothelial Dysfunction

Dietary factors, nutrients, botanicals, and the hormones progesterone and melatonin can reduce the pain and symptoms that occur when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, affecting over 1.7 billion women worldwide.
CLICK TO READ: Endometriosis: A Precision Medicine Approach

The “SOMA,” developed by Australian dentist Joseph Da Cruz, alleviates tension in the jaw and throughout the body, reducing chronic pain, headaches, and an overly reactive sympathetic nervous system.
CLICK TO READ: A New Generation of Dental Appliance

The Effect of Covid-19
on Parasites and Inflammation Challenges Us to Think Outside the Box

Sue Visser    

During the covid pandemic, South African doctor Shankara Chetty found an association between the inflammation caused by parasites and the virus; anti-inflammatory treatment prevented the deadly cytokine storm.
CLICK TO READ:  The Effect of Covid-19 on Parasites and Inflammation Challenges Us to Think Outside the Box

A 2021 clinical trial on chocolate’s effect on endothelial function leads to questions about U-shaped dose/benefit curves and finding the best dose for chocolate and other natural substances.
CLICK TO READ: Chewing on Chocolate

Life As Curriculum, Even While Getting Nails Done

Devaki Lindsey Berkson, DC    

Propylene glycol, a substance used in vaping, personal care products, topical treatments and mRNA covid vaccines, can cause severe, and sometimes delayed, allergic reactions.
CLICK TO READ:  Life As Curriculum, Even While Getting Nails Done

OMNS’s editor reminds readers that high-dose intravenous vitamin C, not laughter, was the treatment that reversed Norman Cousin’s chronic, inflammatory arthritis; but that part of his story, recounted in Anatomy of an Illness, has been long ignored.
CLICK TO READ:  High-Dose Vitamin C for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Peter Gøtzsche’s 2018 expulsion from the Cochrane Collaboration, the link between aluminum and autism, nanorobots, and glyphosate are the topics in this column.

Research studies about/on D-mannose to prevent urinary tract infections, DHEA to prevent osteoporosis, and a vegan diet during pregnancy are among the topics reviewed in this column.
CLICK TO READ: Literature Review and Commentary



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