Best Practices for Enhanced Gut and General Well-Being

Dona Collins

Throughout my experience, I’ve shared numerous tips with clients for enhancing gut health.

Eschew specific diets like paleo, keto, or low carb. My advice leans towards not adhering strictly to any diet, despite suggesting the MEVY (meat, eggs, vegetables, yogurt) diet in my Candida Crusher book. It’s more about adapting the diet to fit your needs rather than strict compliance.

Opting for smaller plates can psychologically aid in reducing portion sizes, essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

The quality of your food takes precedence over quantity. Even when options are limited, choosing the best possible food is crucial, especially as you age.

Regular consumption of yogurt aids in fostering beneficial gut bacteria, reducing inflammation, and enhancing the immune system. Choose sour, Greek yogurt for its benefits, possibly with berries and manuka honey.

Incorporating sprouts into your diet is beneficial for digestive health, thanks to their enzyme content which aids digestion and cleans the stomach.

Linking regular activities with healthy habits, like consuming an apple during a drive, can foster positive health routines.

When dining out, it’s important to be selective and assertive about food choices that align with your health goals.

Avoiding the practice of “cheat days” filled with unhealthy food can support a balanced diet. It’s about moderation, following an 80/20 or 90/10 rule where the majority of your diet is healthy.

Understanding that not every stomach growl indicates hunger can help in managing food intake and maintaining a healthy gut and weight.

These guidelines aim to foster a healthier gut and overall lifestyle through mindful eating and habit formation.

Published March 23, 2024

About the Author

Dona Collins, an integral member of the CanXida team, brings a wealth of experience and insight into the battle against candida overgrowth. Through her direct interactions with customers, she has garnered a deep understanding of the challenges and solutions related to this condition.