Townsend e-Letter


02 December, 2023

TL’s publisher considers the Washington state senate bill that would expand naturopathic physicians’ scope of practice, highlights this issue’s book excerpt about the intelligence of organisms that make up Earth’s biosphere, and invites readers to enjoy a children’s book.
CLICK TO READ: Letter from the Publisher

This Townsend Letter column presents information about fluoroquinolones’ adverse effects, physician burnout and electronic health records, CRISPR genome editing, and more.

A November 4 e-letter article about randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials raised questions about the tendency to cherry-pick information.
CLICK TO READ:  Letter: Randomized Controlled Studies

In their response to Dr. Schor’s letter, the authors clarify their position on randomization in clinical trials and advocate for other types of research trials to support clinical decision-making. 
CLICK TO READ:  Response to Jacob Schor

Even though California’s misinformation law (AB 2098) has been repealed, litigation continues as the medical board, with the support of the state attorney general, claims the right to censor doctors’ communications to patients.
CLICK TO READ:  The Next California Covid Misinformation Battle Has Begun: Buckle Up!

Biomarkers that may predict which patients respond to a drug and which patients will experience adverse effects are a growing market.
CLICK TO READ:   Unlocking the Future: The Power of Predictive Biomarkers

Gary Mezo, PA, developed a nutraceutical that has helped patients recover from serious cardiovascular disease and rivals EDTA intravenous chelation therapy.
CLICK TO READ:   Book Excerpt: The Story of NanobacTX: How a medical maverick restored cardiovascular health

Predrag B. Slijepčević

Bacteria and other microbes in the
biosphere are the basic unit of the
ecosystem, making them essential
to all life on Earth.
CLICK TO READ:   Book Excerpt:
How to Build a Biocivilisation, Part 1

Zinc, NAC, and glycine to facilitate glutathione production, curcumin, and Nigella sativa are among the herbals and nutrients that help prevent infections and decrease sepsis mortality.
CLICK TO READ:   How to Prevent Sepsis Mortality, Part 2

Tori Hudson, ND

For over 15 years, studies have indicated that green tea and EGCG, one of its components, benefit women with breast cancer, cervical dysplasia, ovarian cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and weight issues.
CLICK TO READ:   Green Tea and Women’s Health

Dysregulation of the gut-brain axis has been linked to various disorders, including functional gastrointestinal disorders, mood disorders, and autoimmune disorders.(1,2) Here are some common signs and symptoms of gut-brain axis dysfunction:
CLICK TO READ:   Signs Of Gut-Brain Imbalance: What You Need To Know

Recent advances in microbiology have led to the recognition of the gut microbiota as an essential component contributing to the aging process. The gut microbiota is a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract that profoundly influences host health. This article aims to explore the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota influences aging and potential interventions for healthier aging, drawing on relevant scientific literature.
CLICK TO READ:   Unraveling the Role of Butyrate in Cellular Health and Aging

A naturopathic physician who specializes in renal health explains the connections between anemia, hypertension, the kidneys, and cardiovascular system and offers nutritional advice for kidney patients.
CLICK TO READ:  Cardiac Health and the Kidneys

Michael Passwater
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

Prostate growth, a normal consequence of aging in men, causes urination problems that can be eased with the botanical saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds, and some nutrients.
CLICK TO READ:   Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Saw Palmetto and Other Dietary Factors Can Help



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