Townsend e-Letter


07 October 2023

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Townsend’s editor summarizes known factors in mRNA covid vaccines that compromise safety, including lipid nanoparticles and DNA contamination, and the need for research studies used for gene therapy products; she also highlights Sue Visser’s final installment about food, nutrition, and health.
CLICK TO READ: Letter from the Editor

The use of vitamin C during pregnancy, placental changes, fetal and post-natal effects of neurotoxic metals, and use of biofeedback to address pelvic floor pain and vaginismus are the topics in this Townsend Letter column from February 2018.

California health care litigator Jaffe warns doctors who treat gender dysphoria with gender reassignment surgery that they may face medical malpractice lawsuits for failing to give informed consent.
CLICK TO READ:  Caution: Sex Change Procedures Might Become Hazardous to the Practitioners’ Wealth$

Commonly used prescription drugs, such as analgesics, have interactions with several herbs, including goldenseal, St. John’s work, ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, and more.
CLICK TO READ:  Herb-Drug Interactions Shown in Human Data

Deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen found in water, has been linked to aging; reducing deuterium in drinking water may slow aging and improve fertility.
CLICK TO READ:   Deuterium Depletion: A Promising Drug-Free Alternative Intervention for Enhancing Fertility

Objective and subjective results in this small clinical study indicated that NeuroVizr, an audio-visual entrainment device, improves relaxation and sleep.
CLICK TO READ:  NeuroVizr™ Study Paper

A recent study links childhood physical abuse with increased menopausal vasomotor symptoms and chronic insomnia; cognitive behavioral therapy may help.
CLICK TO READ:  Childhood Abuse and Vasomotor Symptoms in Perimenopause and Menopause

Environmental pollution and toxins not only impair the immune system and contribute to diseases such as cancer, such exposures also affect the health of mother and fetus during pregnancy and after, according to this Townsend Letter (July 2016) article.
CLICK TO READ:  State of Our Womb Tox-Sick: From Toxic to Not Sick

Vitamin B6 lowers xanthurenic acid, a tryptophan metabolite that is high in pregnant women with gestational diabetes; gestational diabetes in mothers is a risk factor for autism in their children.
CLICK TO READ:  YOU Can Prevent and Cure Gestational Diabetes and Lower Your Child’s Risk of Autism!

This final installment of the series offers nutrition-based protocols that have helped patients with serious illnesses, including cancer and Parkinson’s disease, and identifies some super foods.
CLICK TO READ:   Food as Medicine, Part 6 – Evidence-Based Treatments Using Food as Medicine for Doctors and Patients

This article re-visits the natural health practices, such as exposure to sunshine, nutritious food, fasting, and physical activity, once used at a popular US health sanatorium founded by a 19th century doctor.  
CLICK TO READ:   James Caleb Jackson and Bernarr Macfadden: Natural Health Pioneers in Dansville, New York



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