Townsend e-Letter


09 September 2023

The link for this e-Letter:

Townsend’s editor considers questions about trust, fear, and the doctor-patient relationship, raised by practitioners in a short video, and highlights this issue’s article by naturopathic doctor and historian, Sussanna Czeranko.
CLICK TO READ: Letter from the Editor

In this counterpoint article, the author presents information that indicates inhibiting free radicals with antioxidants may increase wellness span and, possibly, lifespan.
CLICK TO READ:  Re: Jacob Schor’s Article on Antioxidants

In response to an article in the July 15th e-Letter, a doctor with personal and professional experience with coffee enemas discusses their effect on detoxification, bile flow, and their benefits for patients with cancer or autoimmune disease.
CLICK TO READ:  Coffee Enemas and Detoxification

The interplay between essential minerals—including calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc—signs of deficiencies, and the best food sources are the topics in this fourth article in a six-part series.
CLICK TO READ:  Food As Medicine, Part 4 – Calcium and Magnesium Plus Their Associated Minerals

This article gives an overview of compounds in plant foods and herbs that affect drug metabolism and produce unwanted interactions.
CLICK TO READ:  Drug Interactions Within Food and Medicinal Plant Groups

Russia and Eastern European nations have long appreciated the therapeutic use of mud, clay, and/or peat that contain humic compounds to treat women’s health issues; this ‘earth cure’ is receiving attention from naturopathic doctors as well.
CLICK TO READ:   Peloids: A New Old Medical Marvel

A liposomal supplement increased intracellular NAD+, the coenzyme required for cellular energy production, in this small study.
CLICK TO READ:   Case Study: Oral Supplementation with the NAD+ Precursor Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)—Effects on Intracellular NAD+ and Triglycerides

Nutraceutical versions of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), a molecule produced by the body’s mast cells and microglial cells, can reduce pelvic pain associated with endometriosis.
CLICK TO READ:   Palmitoylethanolamide and Endometriosis

Humans’ inability to synthesize vitamin C appears to be the result of epigenetics and toxic exposures but may not be a permanent condition for all; a polyphenol found in olive leaf and virgin olive oil encourages the body to produce vitamin C.
CLICK TO READ:   The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans

The story of pellagra, corn, and niacin deficiency shows that food processing and dietary choices can cause serious illness; a more recent example is atherosclerosis and trans-fats, which replaced essential fatty acids.
CLICK TO READ:    Save Lives and Improve Public Health: Following the Data from Pellagra to Atherosclerosis

S-adenosylmethionine, a principal methyl-group donor, is the latest nutrient found in breast milk, indicating it is necessary for the proper growth and development of infants.
CLICK TO READ:    News: Researchers Identify Significant Presence of SAMe in Human Breast Milk

Four 3-day-long courses, based on systems biology and functional medicine, provide healthcare practitioners with tools to treat patients with an individualized approach.
CLICK TO READ:  New Personalized Medicine Certification from the Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South Florida


Are you seeking an MD who is open-minded and well-versed in both ‘alternative’ and ‘mainstream’ medicine?  Look no further!  Jonathan Collin, MD, is currently accepting new patients in both his Kirkland and Port Townsend, Washington offices.   Connect with us at, or call us at 425.820.0547 for the Kirkland office, and 360.385.4555 for the Port Townsend office.  Telephone appointments available.


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