The Coronavirus Pandemic: A Trial by Fear

If Bechamp’s theory is embraced, then focus is placed on maintaining a robustly healthy terrain—a healthy body and emotional state, and a healthy planet free of man-made pollutants—rather than going to war with germs.  Microorganisms are not the root-cause problem, and therefore it makes little sense to fear them.  

Ideally, this coronavirus experience will become an epic opportunity for humanity to understand that infectious diseases do not occur as isolated events in the absence of a larger context.  We have an opportunity to understand that this novel coronavirus is not an enemy that has appeared out of nowhere.  It has, rather, appeared within the context of our individual and collectively created physical and emotional terrains.  Fortunately, we have already seen some efforts being made to understand this pandemic as part of a larger context.  For example, it is widely understood that people with one or more serious comorbidities are particularly vulnerable to the virus.  Both Wuhan and northern Italy have a significant air pollution problem, which damages lung tissue and makes for a poorer outcome with respiratory viruses.  There is a high rate of cigarette smoking in men who live in these countries as well. One recent study raises the question of whether the flu shot might make people more vulnerable to coronaviruses.2 Dr. Zach Bush points out that the heavy use of glyphosate in China’s Hubei province could have given rise to a viral problem due to the subsequent massive destabilization of the soil microbiome. He also attributes the higher death rate from COVID-19 in the US to the fact that 1) Americans – even young Americans – tend to be sicker with chronic diseases than people in other wealthy nations, and 2) widely prescribed statin drugs and ACE inhibitors significantly increase the risk of major complications from COVID-19.3 Some people speculate that 5G might play a role.  Perhaps there are certain emotions and/or beliefs that make it easier for this virus to gain entry. 

There are undoubtedly other as yet unidentified factors that have compromised humanity’s terrain.  We can, each and every one of us, look within and ask a question such as this: “Within the context of this pandemic, what’s the best way I can improve the quality of my terrain?”  This is a great question to pose during meditation, or for dreamwork,4 or as the basis for a shamanic journey.

Doesn’t it make sense, given the above red alerts related to our personal and collective terrains, to compassionately shift our focus away from over-sanitizing, masking and lockdowns, and instead begin on the urgently needed work of tending to our terrains?

The Second Aspect of Fear:  Fear as a Means of Control 

“If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid.” –Paulo Coelho

In her excellent April 7 presentation, Making Sense of the Coronavirus Data,5 Dr. Pam Popper dives into the mechanics of how people were made to feel afraid during the swine flu (H1N1) epidemic of 2009/2010.  And who were the purveyors of that fear?  None other than our very own WHO and CDC.  According to Dr. Popper, the original mortality rate of this flu was predicted to be a whopping 4%.  But follow-up serological studies showed that the actual death rate was 0.01%.  At some point during that flu season the CDC instructed health care practitioners to stop testing for H1N1 and to assume that anyone who presented with flu-like symptoms had H1N1 and to report it as such.  This is, by the way, exactly what WHO and the National Vital Statistics System have begun advising practitioners to do during the current coronavirus outbreak.6,7

Why would practitioners be encouraged to state that COVID-19 is the presumed cause of death without doing actual testing?  This maneuver, which flies in the face of evidence-based medicine, will falsely inflate the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 and can thus be used to bolster “evidence” that validates the use of lockdowns and vaccination programs. 

It is not my purpose in this article to address all of the purported reasons – and there are many –  why various players on the COVID-19 stage might want to whip the public up into a state of fear.  These purported reasons are covered adequately in the alternative press and in various alternative health websites.  I would like to address just one of these reasons: The World Health Organization is in bed with pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines, and vaccines have the potential to rake in billions of dollars.  If you can frighten people by making them believe that there is a particularly deadly flu going around, then they will line up in droves for the vaccine that will allegedly give them immunity to the virus.  The following sentence will illuminate why I used the word allegedly.  In the case of the swine flu, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Social, Health and Family Affairs eventually determined that “WHO colluded with drug companies, turning a run-of-the-mill flu into a pandemic. Drug companies benefited financially, millions of people were vaccinated without cause, and without evidence that the vaccine was effective since it wasn’t clinically tested.”5(italics are my addition) Given their appallingly poor track record during the swine flu epidemic, it seems prudent to carefully scrutinize any agendas based on WHO and CDC pandemic alerts.    

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When fear is selected as a primary means of control, certain tools must be used to get the job done.  It goes without saying that the biggest hammer in this particular toolbox is the mainstream media.  The media does the bidding of its masters with consummate skill.8 As one friend of mine recently remarked: “The mainstream media is having a feeding frenzy with this pandemic.” In light of this we might do well to ask: “when there’s a feeding frenzy in the works, who ultimately gets fed and who gets eaten?”

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