20 Years of Pyschosomatic Energetics : A Retrospective

Dr. Reimar Banis

In 1997, Psychosomatic Energetics (abbreviated PSE) was first publicly presented at the Medical Week in Baden-Baden. It was developed by me, a general practitioner working with empirical medicine techniques, as an extension of H.W. Schimmel’s Vegatest, a complementary-medicine procedure which he developed. The method is now being used by about 700 specially trained therapists in more than 20 countries around the world.(1) Most of the PSE therapists are naturopathically-oriented physicians and naturopaths taking care of chronically ill patients in their clinical practice.

I should point out that PSE is not a rival to academically oriented “mainstream medicine,” but rather a complement thereto. We know empirically that mainstream medicine necessarily has its limits, which can be seen in the great number of cases of chronic ailments that are difficult or even impossible for it to treat. Moreover, we in general medicine note that many patients don’t have any discernible organic disease, but rather are psychosomatically ill – a difficult area of endeavor, and one where mainstream medicine inevitably comes up against its limits.

For instance, for people who are always tired and don’t feel well, mainstream physicians empirically are often unable to find any objectifiable cause, whereas with PSE we are able to detect an energy block due to a repressed emotional conflict, after the dissolution of which the patient once again feels well and full of energy. Or, when it comes to this kind of “burnout” patient, PSE finds a bed site that has been energetically disrupted by electrosmog and geo-radiation; after this situation is cleaned up, the chronically tired patient once again experiences relaxing and restful sleep and, after a few weeks, feels hale and hearty again. The same applies with some variation to chronic ailments, where we can often favorably influence the course of the illness or even bring about complete remission, i.e. in the case of chronic polyarthritis(2) or ulcerous colitis.(3)

History and Development of the Method

Dr. R. Voll

Dr. R. Voll

Dr. Helmut Schimmel
Dr. Helmut Schimmel

After World War II, Dr. Voll, an internist from Ploching, developed electroacupuncture. In keeping with the spirit of the times, the main focus of the procedure – much as with Dr. Reckeweg, the inventor of homotoxicology – was on energetic dissonances in the form of metabolic toxins that needed to be treated with eliminatory medications and nosodes. At that time, the top expert in nosodes, Dr. Helmut Schimmel, with whom I worked closely for years, was treating energetic dissonances with mixtures of homeopathic meridian complexes (Kern Pharma) that are associated with the seven energy centers of yoga (chakras).

The effects of this novel procedure were impressive, but anything new can also cause confusion – after a while, namely, the chakra disorders would reappear, and then most of the nosodes in the remedy test no longer responded. The patient was detoxified, but still sick. The harmonization of the chakras had evidently extinguished the nosode signals, but an unknown factor related to the energy centers had led to their reactivation and thereby the patients’ renewed symptoms. In time, intensive research revealed that emotional conflicts had to be considered the underlying cause of the recurring chakra disruptions.

Experience tells us that most energy blocks are emotional in nature, and it is the understanding of PSE that they arise due to long-ago emotional traumas. These shock-inducing emotional injuries are stored up in energy blocks. This is akin to an organism dealing with a viral infection by means of a measles skin rash, thereby banishing the foreign bodies to the periphery of the organism. The energy blocks lie there for a very long time, at some point becoming passive and energetically relatively well compensated. Mentally, they wind up in what is known as the unconscious.

The conflicts resonate with nosodes to some degree, but unfortunately not completely; so I had to develop new compound remedies to fill these gaps. In time, 28 emotional conflict themes were found, which can be related to various different energy centers, or chakras (Figure 3). It’s amazing how often everyday expressions can be so apt in this context, when for instance fear makes it hard to breathe (Emvita 16 “Panic”) or rage feels like a fire in the belly (Emvita 9 “Rage”).

Once the currently active conflict has been identified, i.e. when test ampoules with the respective compound agent respond kinesiologically, the patient then receives the corresponding compound remedy for a longish period of time. Through resonance phenomena, the conflict is eventually eliminated completely; this process can be monitored during treatment, if necessary, using a special testing procedure. Once the conflict is eliminated, the energy, which had been bound up in it, is again available to the patient, who will then feel much more energetic. At the same time, emotional self-healing processes leading to greater autonomy are set in motion.

Psychosomatic Energetics came into being when we had effective treatment of unconscious conflicts. As was to be expected given the background of events, most nosodes thereby became therapeutically unnecessary, since the patient is also for the most part detoxified by the process of dissolution of the emotional conflicts.

Initial Practical Experience with PSE and Specification of Coherent Rules

My initial experience with PSE in my clinical practice was unexpectedly unsatisfactory. Normally, medications that test out well, which like the PSE emotional and chakra remedies completely compensate virtually all energy levels, turn out to be very effective when used. However, there were patients who came in for follow-up tests six months later who unexpectedly showed no major improvement and often even tested out with a new conflict.

Only later did it become clear what the reason was for the disappointing therapeutic effects in the trial phase, as well as why new conflicts were constantly surfacing. I had committed several beginner’s mistakes in the use of PSE:

Conflict themes and their associated energy centers
Conflict themes and their associated energy centers

• It takes three to four months or more to completely eliminate most conflicts, which means that I had not assigned nearly enough treatment time.

• If one treats conflicts only, which I had unwittingly done, then a checkup test will often turn up a new conflict. This then increasingly confuses the psychoenergetic system, since a multiplicity of active conflicts undergoing treatment at once will continue to have a psychoenergetically disruptive effect in the background, gaining strength in the process.

Once I had corrected these mistakes, it turned out that, after treating hundreds of patients, most of them had not just one, but rather several conflicts needing to be treated in order to achieve significant improvement or healing, and thus calling for 12-16 months of treatment (Figure 4). During this treatment time, each and every conflict had to be completely eliminated, i.e. in most cases, it was by no means enough to energetically heal just a single conflict in order for the patient to feel markedly and enduringly better.

Normal course of PSE healing process
Normal course of PSE healing process

Added to which, optimum PSE therapy requires consistent dosage compliance on the part of the patient (12 drops twice daily), since if less is taken, it takes correspondingly longer to heal the conflict; if more is taken, the benefit is virtually nil. Additional or alternative effective forms of conflict healing besides PSE have thus far not been found, aside from the fact that, while just waiting and seeing what happens, conflicts can go passive – but this simply means that they nevertheless continue to represent a source of potential risk. Moreover, they constantly and subliminally siphon off life energy and negatively manipulate any relatively objective assessment of a situation, thereby indirectly sabotaging a person’s actions and reactions.

The firm and fast rules of PSE call for a great deal of discipline on the part of the therapist, who must follow a pre-set test sequence as well as adhere precisely to a detailed therapeutic plan. PSE medications cannot be resonated and need to be kept away from electrosmog and other disturbance sources such as heat etc. Detailed information can be found on the website of the IGPSE (International Society for Psychosomatic Energetics), a recognized nonprofit professional association headquartered in Switzerland. This information can also be found in the official PSE user’s manual.(1)

20 Years’ Experience with Various Clinical Pictures

We can now look back at 20 years of experience with PSE in various different areas and for all age groups. A four-year clinical study from 2005-2009 involving 11 participating practices and 1002 patients summarizes the treatment results of many therapists using Psychosomatic Energetics. The average therapy time was 4 visits over 15 months. Superb, Good and Satisfactory therapy results were achieved in 86.5% of cases. The fact that PSE practices predominantly treat problem patients makes the therapeutic success rate all the more impressive. Particularly good results were seen for children and teenagers, as well as for patients with strongly psychosomatic clinical pictures.(4)

PSE therapeutic success declines with increasing age (Study: “Long-Term Results with PSE” y Dr. B. Holschuh-Lorang, lecture at the Expert’s Meeting May 2009 in Konstanz)
PSE therapeutic success declines with increasing age (Study: “Long-Term Results with PSE” y Dr. B. Holschuh-Lorang, lecture at the Expert’s Meeting May 2009 in Konstanz)

Basically, any energetic therapy is more effective the earlier you start with it, as long-term studies undertaken by the general practitioner Dr. Holschuh have shown.(5) The therapeutic success rate is more than 90% for children and sinks to less than 70% for 70-year-olds (Figure 5). This is in line with the experience in naturopathic therapy that regenerative ability is age-dependent. This means, specifically, that one should begin therapy as early as possible, as also confirmed by studies by the Viennese general practitioner Dr. Richter with children with behavioral disorders at a children’s home.(6) At another children’s home, the internist Dr. Hemsing independently confirmed this under similar circumstances.(7) Even children with serious behavioral disorders clearly responded to PSE and, after only a few weeks, exhibited striking improvements in their social behavior.

Gerlinde PaukertYet another clinical study (The “Butterfly” Project) was initiated by the retired school principal and kinesiologist Gerlinde Paukert (Figure 6). She looked into whether preventive treatment with PSE might favorably influence the students’ scholastic performance and overall behavior. Ms. Paukert writes:

The energy situation improved for all children and teens, rising by 7% to 25%. the effects were discernible physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Concentration, health and even mood were markedly elevated, the classroom atmosphere improved, and class interaction meant a greater feeling of well-being in the school.(8)

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Among adults, the therapeutic spectrum of PSE extends over all areas of specialization from general medicine to gynecology, rheumatology, all the way up to psychiatry and psychosomatics. It is worth noting that the self-healing ability of the organism – once the energetic obstacles to therapy have been cleared away by PSE – never fails to astound. This even applies to clinical pictures usually construed as purely somatic, such as Ulcera cruris in cases of venous insufficiency, or Claudicatio intermittens with a walking range of just a few yards in cases of nicotine abuse, where we have seen impressive successes with PSE.(1)

The domains of PSE are psychosomatic clinical pictures such as irritable bowel syndrome, where, in many cases, the intestinal flora ignored by mainstream medicine must be treated as well. This also includes chronic pain such as with soft-tissue rheumatism in which, according to the rheumatologist Dr. Scharm, PSE has a high success rate. His summary:

…in cases of soft-tissue rheumatism (fibromyalgia), my many years of clinical practice experience have shown me that the complementary-medicine method PSE can be a great help. Most cases lead to clearly noticeable improvement of the clinical picture, after which quality of life can be enduringly improved, continuing even after conclusion of PSE therapy. Very often, PSE testing reveals a pattern in the form of a disturbed 6th energy center (hypothalamus, ANS) with the conflict “Uneasiness”, both of which agree with the symptomatology of fibromyalgia.(9)

One issue that particularly stands out, according to all experienced fellow physicians, is that the achieved therapeutic successes usually endure, as multiyear follow-up observations made by Dr. Holschuh on her patients have shown.

Dr. B. Holschuh-Lorang
Dr. B. Holschuh-Lorang

A practice study by Dr. Birgitt Holschuh-Lorang comprised 153 patients who, between 2001 and 2009, were treated for at least three years with PSE in a general-medicine practice.

The question: was the symptomatology truly and lastingly eliminated? 72% of the cases could be assessed as Excellent or Good, 12% as Satisfactory. Only 16% of cases were assessed as Adequate or Deficient. The emotional equilibrium of most of the patients was significantly improved. There is moreover an emotional post-treatment maturation process that can lead to greater emotional autonomy, as the Berlin general practitioner Dr. Müller noted time and again among his patients.(10)

It should also be emphasized that PSE correctly reflects people’s psychoenergetic state of well-being. This can be seen in the fact that, in surveys, about a third of a non-selected population group consider themselves to be ill, tired etc., as opposed to twothirds with good overall well-being. This agrees precisely with the results of PSE, whereas many rival naturopathic methods either designate too many people as sick and disturbed or, on the other hand, conventional-medicine procedures identify too many people with unambiguous feelings of ill health as seemingly healthy. PSE, on the other hand, is in line with the reality of such surveys – a very important criterion of quality in everyday clinical practice.

PSE Therapy with Animals

As a nonverbal form of psychotherapy, PSE is particularly well suited for the treatment of animals. For pets with behavioral disorders, the psychoenergetic disturbances of the owner are often amplified, such that it seems advisable in many cases to treat the animal and its master together. Animals respond quickly and noticeably to the method, and our experience so far shows that conflicts, once eliminated, go away for good. I have been told by some veterinarians that they have had excellent results particularly when it comes to animals in competitive sports.

PSE and Character Type

There is an especially large conflict which PSE designates as the Central Conflict, because it has a central significance for the patient’s metabolic system, and for character as well. The chakra associated with the Central Conflict is thus decisive for the patient’s temperament:

• Sanguinic (hysteric) = Chakras 2 and 6

• Phlegmatic (obsessive-compulsive) = Chakra 5

• Choleric (depressive) = Chakra 3

• Melancholic (schizoid) = Chakras 1 and 7

Type determination gives the therapist a valuable aid for depthpsychology counseling, because many unconscious personality character traits can be derived from PSE testing results that would otherwise only come after getting to know a person very well. Thanks to knowing patients’ temperaments, they can be given type-appropriate life counseling. Every character type has certain “vices” to avoid and “virtues” to foster. Emotional maturation works best through dissolution of the Central Conflict, although of course the patient must also make an active contribution if there is to be any emotional progress.

The four character types have proven to be extraordinarily helpful counseling tools in daily practice, whether it be in order to come to terms with one’s darker side or to analyze one’s relationship with others. This concept has also proven itself in job, couples, and child-rearing counseling. In addition, there are various indications that the origin of the Central Conflict can be traced back to earlier incarnations (more on this in my book New Life through Energy Healing). Via this thesis, Psychosomatic Energetics gains a much greater depth that reaches far into depth psychology and transpersonal psychology. With some justification, one can even talk in terms of spiritual counseling, made possible because of it.


PSE has been a proven procedure in complementary medicine for 20 years now; it has proven itself as a standard procedure for harmonizing and elevating life energy. Life energy, also called Prana, Ch’i, ether etc., seems to be not only of a spiritual but also, and above all, an energetic nature. These concepts need to be kept clearly separated, since someone who feels overall unwell often benefits less from a dialogue than from an energy treatment. After all, someone who has a lot of energy feels powerful, resilient, and in a good mood. On the other hand, ailing and mentally overburdened people are usually found to have too little energy. Energy acts, in turn, as a pacemaker for every body cell, but it is also emotionally stimulating, i.e. besides the mental, it also has an important physical effect – an interesting interplay, which has so far seen little scientific research but which seems to be crucially important to our quality of life.

Emotional conflicts, much like invisible computer viruses, seem to disrupt the subtle interplay between energy and body/soul. If the unconscious conflicts are eliminated by means of similar (homeopathic) vibrational patterns over a period of months, life energy can once again flow freely, leading to activation of mental/ physical self-healing processes. For all current general medicine clinical pictures, impressive and enduring improvements of wellbeing and, amazingly, often complete healing have been observed.

Reimar Banis, MD, PhD, and formerly trained as an ND, is a doctor, researcher, and author.

Born in Berlin (Germany), he is married, has three children, and lives in Switzerland. He has been a naturopath since 1975 and an MD since 1985, with US MD certification through ECFMG, (1984). His PhD studies focused on thermography at the University of Heidelberg/Germany. His major methods include Vegatest where he was the official instructor besides Helmut Schimmel, thermography, colon hydrotherapy, darkfield, ozone, neuraltherapy, chirotherapy and others. Banis invented Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) in 1998. He has authored over 200 articles on various holistic health topics. He is also the author of 10 books including:Psychosomatic Energetics, A Handbook for Therapists and New Life Through Energy Healing.


Dr.med. Reimar Banis MD Ph.D. (banis@igpse.ch)

c/o International Society for Psychosomatic Energetics (IGPSE)

Dörflistrasse 4 P.O.Box CH 6052 Kägiswil /Switzerland


1. Banis, R. Lehrbuch Psychosomatische Energetik [Psychosomatic Energetics Manual], Haug-Verlag Stuttgart 2014

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2. Scharm, M. Haben Polyarthritiker häufig eine bestimmte Persönlichkeit? [Do Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Often Have a Particular Personality Type?]. In: Banis R, Lesebuch der Psychosomatischen Energetik Band 5 [Psychosomatic Energetics Reader, Vol. 5], Books on demand Verlag 2015

3. Scharm, M: Erfolgreiche Behandlung chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen mit der PSE [Successful Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases with PSE], Lecture at Medical Week Baden-Baden 2016
4. Banis R. Multizentrische Praxisstudie zur Psychosomatischen Energetik. Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin [Swiss Journal of Holistic Medicine]. 2010;5:269-272.

5. Holschuh, B. Wie stabil sind Heilerfolge? Langzeitstudienergebnisse unter Anwendung der Psychosomatischen Energetik [How Stable are Healing Results? Long-term Study Results from Application of Psychosomatic Energetics], Lecture at Expert’s Meeting May 2009 in Constance

6. Richter, H. PSE Therapie im Kinderdorf Pöttsching [PSE Therapy in the Pöttsching Children’s Village]. In: Banis, R, Lesebuch der Psychosomatischen EnergetikBand 5 [Psychosomatic Energetics Reader, Vol. 5], Books on demand Verlag 2015

7. Hemsing, W. Adjuvante Homöopathie mit Tropfen bei verhaltensgestörten Jugendlichen” [Adjuvant Homeopathy with Drops for Teenage Behavioral Disorders], In: Banis R, Lesebuch der Psychosomatischen Energetik Band 3 [Psychosomatic Energetics Reader, Vol. 3], Comed Verlag Hochheim 2007

8. Paukert G. Projekt Schmetterling – Förderung von Schulkindern. In: Banis R, Lesebuch der Psychosomatischen Energetik, Band 3. Sulzbach, Co‘med, 2006.

9. Scharm, M. Weichteilrheuma naturheilkundlich behandeln [Naturopathic Treatment of Soft-tissue Rheumatitis]. Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed [Swiss Journal of Holistic Medicine] 2016;28:89-91 10. Müller, A. Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mithilfe der Psychosomatischen Energetik [Personality Development with the Aid of Psychosomatic Energetics]. Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed [Swiss Journal of Holistic Medicine] 2016;28:267-270

More information about Psychosomatic Energetics (Test kit, REBA® Test Device, Emvita, Geovita) at: Rubimed AG, Grossmatt 3, CH 6052 Hergiswil Switzerland Tel. 0041/ (0)41/ 630 0888, Fax: 0041/ (0)41/630 0887, www.rubimed.com ◆