Protesting 5G

Protesting 5G

Climate change isn’t the only target for activism. A group of dedicated activists in my town are working to educate the city council about 5G wireless technology safety issues before Verizon puts up its first 5G tower near the county courthouse. The council members, many of whom had no knowledge about the negative health effects caused by non-ionizing radiation, listened to their concerns and postponed their decision about Verizon’s request until they have more information. Contrary to industry’s claim, there is a safer and faster alternative to 5G: wired, fiber-optic networks.1

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which oversees 5G rollout, has long ignored the biological and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The agency has gone so far as to forbid municipalities from preventing or restricting the placement of cell towers because of health concerns. As pointed out in the August/September 2019 “Shorts” column, the wireless industry has refused to study health effects; thus, they can continue to claim that there is “no evidence” of harm.2

Thank goodness for the independent scientists and researchers who brave the smear campaigns waged by industry. For those interested, check out the science at Environmental Health Trust (

Fortunately, on August 9, 2019, the US Federal Appeals Court for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that FCC cannot eliminate environmental and historic review in order to accelerate the widespread deployment of wireless broadband.3 The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma were the petitioners in that lawsuit: Activists contesting the status quo for the greater good.

Activists and ordinary people CAN effect change, especially when they pull together and focus their efforts.  

  1. Davis D. Cabled Municipal Broadband-a solution to 5G and everything else. April 4, 2019.
  2. Klotter J. Shorts: 5G Wireless. Townsend Letter. August/September 2019;433/434: 14-5.
  3. Federal Court Overturns FCC Measure Which Bypassed Environmental Review for 5G and Small Cell Wireless 4G Densification.