Anti-Gravity Suit Failure

by William Ferril, MD

Copyright 2019

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For years, I thought I was doing everything possible to aggressively reverse osteoarthritis. I employed the use of topical bio-identical hormones with some success, but the underlying swelling joints in the phalanges remained sometimes stubbornly present. This glaring fact alerted me in a chronic uncomfortable way that some additional, as yet unrecognized factor contributes to deformity and suffering!

On the upside, for many years now, I have enjoyed watching various patients afflicted with autoimmune-caused arthritis become pain free. They accomplish this feat by strictly adhering to a customized, to them, anti-inflammatory diet. You can read about this in my treatment plans. Here, I want to share with you a major breakthrough in recovering from arthritis stemming from the fact that America is the land of nutritional deficiency-caused disease!

After this discussion, I’ll add back a summary of the often-overlooked hormone support program that grows back your joints (previously published in the Townsend Letter (December 2013), “Why the Shrinkage?”). Please realize this paper provides new scientific insights that the previous paper lacked, such as the important sulfur biology interplay inside of you. It’s important for you to also realize, however, that too many patients suffer from a component of their immune system firing off within their joints! The trouble is this component of their suffering is often missed! It being missed often stems from these types of immune assault originating in the seronegative arthritis category!

Seronegative arthritis means that even though your immune system fires off inside your joints, the conventional rheumatological markers come up negative! However, you will never become well again until someone helps you avoid the proinflammatory foods inappropriately stimulating your immune system to attack you! This is all discussed as noted above. Here, I want to share with you really exciting ways for how to re-correct one central but mostly overlooked nutritional deficiency leading to joint collapse!

Is Aging Really a Sulfur Deficiency Syndrome?

If you ignore sulfur biology and you become deficient, you will begin to look like you feel! You see, sulfur offers the healthful body six basic benefits. First, it provides molecular ‘glue’ that holds things like hair, hooves and your nails together. In fact, the glue it provides largely withstands acidic digestion. This is why, even when soaking a corpse in hydrochloric acid, the hair, and nails remain so resistant to breakdown; the double sulfur bond is the reason!

The second health benefit is beyond the view of the electron microscope, but it proves—as a major component of your body’s water content—to resist the force of gravity from squeezing out precious cellular fluid. You see, life is compressional! Sulfur is one of your body’s main antigravity support molecules. If you find yourself lacking in sulfur content, you compress. In other words, the shrinkage of old age begins!

Biologically active sulfur is acquired by consuming the sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine. The third benefit involves sulfur’s utilization at the rate of 1 billion times a second! If you lack this ability, you suffer from an increased likelihood of becoming depressed, acquiring heart disease, suffering from high blood pressure, and having impaired detoxification ability within your liver. These additional details are all discussed in my other writings. Here it is only initially important for you to realize that sulfur plays an important role in your lasting health! Two common markers can alert you to whether you enjoy the ability to utilize sulfur at the rate of 1 billion times a second! They are your homocysteine level and your mean corpuscular volume. If either one of these elevates, suspect the sulfur metabolic pathway to be compromised!

The fourth pathway for how sulfur content benefits you involves important metabolic facilitators containing sulfur for activity. They are thiamine, biotin, lipoic acid, pantothenic acid, glutathione, heparin, and threonine. In each of the above important bioactive molecules, sulfur provides the active site! Note, glutathione is ideally present in every cell of your body! It is the only way your body can store metabolically active sulfur. The quantity of its presence determines much about your ability to prevent rust (oxidation) when toxins make their way into your cells! Recall, you can only acquire the sulfur within glutathione by consuming and absorbing either the amino acid methionine or cysteine. This is one way that low/incomplete protein diets can accelerate aging!

The fifth metabolic pathway for sulfur activities within the body involves the requirement for its critical presence within some of your hormones, for example, the hormone insulin. The sulfur-sulfur bond provides structural stability in the three-D world of molecules. In the molecular dimension, size and shape remain critically important.

As was introduced above, metabolically active sulfur also is the major player for detoxification pathways within your liver. For example, every dose of acetaminophen consumes body sulfur and irreversibly damages your hemoglobin. Obviously, the less sulfur available, the more damage. Glutathione contains sulfur. It gets compromised by things like acetaminophen because, to prevent this toxin from accumulating, biologically active sulfur (glutathione) gets used up.

So, let’s say you take acetaminophen for joint pain. Emerging science suggests this may be a poorly thought out practice! You see, acetaminophen consumes the very sulfur source that replenishes your joints! Anticipate the Anti-Gravity Suit System introduced below.

Because tracer studies show that biologically active sulfur derives from either methionine or cysteine, diets higher in these amino acids confer health advantages. In fact, studies show high meat consumption confers up to four times the amount of these amino acids than does the vegan diet! Moving towards the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet increases these amino acids to half that of high meat intake consumers. Be careful with the idea of supplementing with methionine or cysteine, they can be toxic. Ideally, encounter them in your diet from eggs, meat, whey protein, and/or fish. Alternatively, if you want to remain vegan, pay close attention to ensuring adequate consumption of garlic, cilantro, onions, and Brussel sprouts.

The central role that sulfur plays in maintaining your anti-gravity systems deserves special emphasis. Recall that your life is compressional! Behind only phosphorus and calcium, sulfur is the third most abundant mineral within your body! I hope you are wondering where in your body it resides. Well, it is one of the major osmotic forces, throughout your extracellular and intracellular space opposing gravity’s opposite force attempting to squeeze out precious body fluid through compression. In your cells it is intricately associated with the cytoskeleton. Outside of your cells, it lines all body surfaces and tubes in what is collectively called mucopolysaccharides or glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s). Sulfur content seems to control the viscosity of the inside surface secretions like lung mucus and the protective barrier of the inside surface of the GI tract (its sufficiency here prevents auto-digestion!). It determines whether your cartilage is optimal or dry and cracking, and it determines much about the quality of the inside jelly (vitreous humor) within your eyeballs!

Bottom line concept: the amount of sulfur on the various forms of mucopolysaccharide or glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) determines the electrical potential that pulls water against the force of gravity. Diminished force within your anti-gravity systems becomes evidenced by progressive hunching, crunching, sagging and bagging, where sulfur becomes deficient. How could it be otherwise once you realize that sulfur when fully charged up to sulfate, powerfully pulls water towards it by simple osmosis! Likewise, dry mucous plugs plaguing many lung disease patients results largely from sulfur deficiency! Similarly, if you suffer from drying out, cracking and imploding spinal disc(s), it involve such a process as well. So do your joints. Your skin shrivels because less sulfur translates into more water escaping!

So now it’s time to introduce yet another apparent scientific top secret; sulfation factor determines fully active amounts of sulfur placed on all your mucopolysaccharides or glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) throughout your body! What? You have never heard about sulfation factor? Well, it goes by several other alias names like IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor type 1), somatomedin and the non-suppressible insulin-like activity of the blood stream! Multiplicities in naming confuse and isolate knowledge important for activating how the body heals!

In other treatment plans and books, I delve deeply into how you can enjoy ample amounts of sulfation factor again (remember all the other alias names described above). For now, it is only important to initially appreciate that its levels depend on the appropriate interplay of thyroid hormones, growth hormone, androgens, good night’s sleep, appropriate fasting intervals, exercise, and adequate nutrition!

The metalloenzymes comprise the sixth metabolic pathway that sulfur benefits. Usually the metalloenzymes contain either selenium or iron. These will be discussed in the future because so many other variables make their discussion convoluted. For now, just be aware that some of your important enzymes contain selenium or iron and this cannot happen unless sulfur-containing amino acids occur in ample supply.

Finally, for now, it’s scientifically emerging that although the literature focuses heavily on nitrogen balance (protein adequacy) the emerging literature is now focusing on sulfur balance (anti-gravity systems balance) as well! So, perhaps aging is sometimes really just the result of a worsening sulfur deficiency syndrome, which impairs the standard issue anti-gravity suit equipment!

This concludes the introductory discussion for one component of your anti-gravity system: sulfur. In other articles, I discuss other components like the American diet largely being composed of reversed mineral content, the internal war of your opposing steroid forces, the hormone cascade that charges up your cells, unstable proteins secondary to mineral imbalance, and the energies that heal contrasted with the energies that maim!

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