Why We Need Homeopathy More Than Ever Before

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW, DHANP

Homeopathy Then and Now

This is a critical time in the history of homeopathy in the US. Certainly not the first. Ten years short of century ago, homeopathy was virtually eliminated in this country when the Carnegie Foundation hired Abraham Flexner to “upgrade” the standard of medical education. At that time, one of every five-to-six MDs practiced homeopathy. The homeopathic medical colleges at that time did not meet Flexner’s standards. This transformation emphasized scientific knowledge and established the “biomedical model” as the gold standard for medical training. The homeopathic medical colleges of the time lost their funding. From that time, a limited number of renegade physicians and dedicated mothers committed to homeopathic self-care for their children; and homeopathy went underground. There continued to be a relative handful of MDs and NDs in the US who carried on the tradition of homeopathy and nature cure, while it continued to flourish in Europe and India.

In the late 70s-early 80s, at the time I entered Bastyr University, George Vithoulkas, a Greek engineer, spearheaded a resurgence in homeopathic education, of which I and some of my colleagues were the lifeblood. The epicenter of this movement in the US was the Hahnemann Clinic in Berkeley and, subsequently, Hahnemann College (both names after Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the brilliant founder of homeopathy). Dr. Hahnemann synthesized, in the late 1700s, various tenets of healing, dating back to Hippocrates (considered the founder of medicine) from 460 B.C., and his own experience as a physician and medical translator of seven languages. The International Foundation for Homeopathy(IFH) in Seattle, of which I was ultimately the president, taught classical homeopathy to many licensed healthcare practitioners and sponsored the popular annual homeopathic case conference for professionals.

            Homeopathy is a tough pill to swallow for many adherents of conventional medicine. Like acupuncture, it is a complex system of energy medicine. But it has proved very difficult to get funding and publication of homeopathic research, and there is much opposition to recognizing a form of medicine that, in many ways, flies in the face of conventional biomedicine. A recent film, One Drop Homeopathy, tells the story of how the deck is stacked against the funding and accurate reporting of homeopathic studies. The UK, which has been a bastion of homeopathy, including NHS funding and strong support from the Royal Family, is now at severe risk. Homeopathy was recently removed from the medical and veterinary curricula in Spain. The vibrant atmosphere of homeopathic study in Germany and the Netherlands has waned. Remedies continue to be available in pharmacies throughout France, but only in low potencies.

            There was a threat to the continued availability of homeopathic remedies in the US in 2015, but all of the homeopathic medical, pharmaceutical, educational, and other institutions formed a united front to educate the FDA. The result was a continuation of the permissive stance for the availability of homeopathic remedies in the US. This is in significant danger at the moment. Sixteen homeopathic organizations in the US recently sent us a letter of alarm, which we and others have forwarded to as many people as possible. (This article will not be published in the Townsend Letter until April.) We are requesting, as a consortium of 16 homeopathic organizations in the U.S., a 180-day extension before any action is taken. The worst-case scenario would mean that all homeopathic remedies could potentially be eliminated from the marketplace, and possibly from prescribing physicians, as of January 1, 2020.*

Why is all of this happening now? I can only say that the pharmaceutical industry loses a fair amount of money to natural remedies in this country—pennies compared to competition from nutritional supplements, but apparently many injectables used by complementary medical docs are also on the chopping block. Imagine our country with no natural healing products being available and the only alternative being conventional pharmaceuticals. This is not beyond the realm of possibility.

My intention in this article is, beyond sounding an alarm bell for the availability of homeopathic remedies, reminding you readers exactly how homeopathy is unique, irreplaceable, and a one-of-a-kind healing art.

There Is No Other Form of Healing Like It

How Dr. Samuel Hahnemann managed to synthesize the previous healing approaches into one unique healing art that would use any substance in nature for individualized healing is for me, a homeopath of nearly 40 years, nothing short of miraculous! There are many other remarkable healing modalities available, but NONE that has organized literally thousands of unique members of the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms into a single system. The array of substances that, epitomizing Hippocrates, do no harm, in addition to the other features of homeopathy is simply unique. There is no other healing modality that could take its place if it were not available in the US. Tell me one other substance you could give to a desperate, screaming baby in excruciating teething pain, demanding to be carried constantly by the mom, that would work as well as Chamomilla. A lovely plant with white flowers and a bright yellow center that grows all over Europe and in much of the US. We are not talking about a tincture, but rather little white pills that taste good, are easy to administer, and—see the next point—have no side effects!

What Other Medical Intervention Does No Harm?

A couple of times over my nearly four decades of practice, I’ve gotten a call from an alarmed patient whose toddler had just swallowed a bottle of homeopathic pills. No problem! Unless it were the right remedy for that child, it simply wouldn’t have an effect. And, if it were the right remedy, it could only help, not hurt. In this era of iatrogenic illness and death, where medications may be more harmful than the reason for which they are prescribed, a type of natural medicine that is not at all harmful is nearly inconceivable! Even herbal preparations come with their list of possible side effects or interactions with conventional drugs, though they are generally much safer than their pharmaceutical counterparts. How is it possible to claim that homeopathic remedies have nothing in them and, at the same time, claim that they are dangerous? Anyone who understands how homeopathic remedies are prepared by diluting the original substance dozens or hundreds or thousands of time, would find the accusation that they are dangerous impossible! Yes, remedies can be made from a substance that is dangerous or poisonous in its crude form, such as strychnine or arsenic. But, when diluted as described above, there is nothing material left to cause harm. We are talking about energy medicine. About the energetic pattern of the original substance that has been carefully studied and proved to have certain healing properties.

Homeopathic Care Is Highly Individualized

There are 100+ antibiotics, three FDA-approved antiviral flu drugs, a dozen or so types of antihistamines, five groups of immunosuppressive drugs, seven classes of antidepressants, and about 20+ antipsychotic drugs. There are over 5000 unique homeopathic remedies and many thousands of natural substances not yet prepared homeopathically. What does this mean? That there is likely a homeopathic remedy to fit each person, or nearly so, if the homeopath knows how to discover which remedy is needed. Of course, tens of thousands of substances are potential homeopathic remedies, but not yet proven. This is what makes homeopathy a lifelong study and why it makes sense to find a practitioner with a fair bit of experience under her belt! Doesn’t it make sense that humans (and other sentient beings) are unique and would not benefit from the same medicine or drug as the next individual who is different in so many ways, despite a few shared symptoms?

With my patients, I find that the one well-chosen homeopathic remedy (similimum) for their particular cases often remains unchanged for years, This is possible, using the Sensation Method of Dr. Rajan Sankaran, because I am looking for the single remedy, out of over 4000, that matches all of that individual’s symptoms. Not only the symptoms, physical, mental, emotional, but the state. It is too complex to explain in a few sentences, but basically, we are looking for the thread that runs through the case from birth, or childhood, to present time. We match that state to a mineral, plant, or animal substance prepared homeopathically. When the patient discovers what the remedy is, they may realize that they have had a curious affinity for it throughout their lives—consciously and in dreams. And the effects on the patient of being given that particular substance, repeatedly, in a homeopathic form, are often dramatic! Much more profound than what is possible from a conventional drug, an herb, or a supplement. When I explain to the patient what it is that I have prescribed and why, they are often amazed!

Homeopathy Can Be Used for First Aid and Acute Care with Little Training

We wrote Homeopathic Self Care: The Quick and Easy Guide for the Whole Family over 20 years ago for the public. It is filled with practical tips about how to use the most common remedies for about 70 first aid and acute conditions. We wrote it for those with no prior experience using homeopathy, but it is so useful that I still use it as a reference after nearly 40 years in practice. I invite, even challenge, anyone new to homeopathy to use this book and tell me the remedies don’t work! Impossible! Nearly anyone who has ever used homeopathy has heard of Arnica for trauma and bruises. And most have a story of how it has worked for them or for someone they know. I could tell you dozens, hundreds, of success stories—not for chronic conditions prescribed by an experienced homeopathic practitioner but using a little kit just like ours, or any other, for conditions like insect bites, acute diarrhea (yes, including Giardia), ear infections, cold and flu, shock, hemorrhoids, acute grief, hay fever. I could go on and on. What other form of natural medicine or pharmaceuticals is this easy to use and as effective?

A Homeopathic Pharmacy Is Highly Portable

Our kit contains 50 of the most commonly used remedies. Some contain 30 or 100. As homeopathic doctors, we carry with us a compact, leather kit with over 300 tiny vials. Kits are lightweight, compact, and can be stuffed into a suitcase, backpack, purse. The pills and vials are tiny—much smaller than a bottle of prescription medication or even a nutritional supplement. We tell folks, “Don’t Leave Home Without It” about our kits, but this is true no matter which kit (a virtual travelling pharmacy) you have on hand.

Homeopathy Is Affordable and Remedies Have No Expiration Date!

Healthcare in the US and elsewhere is unaffordable, plain and simple, for many. Scandinavia and some other countries have an enviable safety net for healthcare, at least for conventional treatment and medicine. Homeopathy is wildly popular in India, Why? Because there are homeopaths everywhere there, the remedies are practically free (or included in the visits), and it works! Homeopathic training programs in Haiti and Africa have grown in popularity and empower local practitioners to use the remedies virtually free of cost.

Over-the-counter homeopathic remedies, or kits, are very inexpensive. Kits generally cost $150 maximum and individual remedies cost under $10. Regarding constitutional care with a homeopathic professional, I have run across only a handful of professional homeopaths who I feel charge exorbitant rates. My fees, for example. are comparable with other homeopaths with my training and experience. The first year of appointments every six weeks, following the initial 90-minute appointment, costs less than $1500, and may be covered by insurance. The cost of the remedies is maximum $200/year. And this is for a homeopathic doctor practicing privately with nearly 40 years of experience!

Homeopathic remedies cost a fraction of nutritional supplements, over-the-counter herbal preparations, and, of course, prescription medications. And homeopathic remedies do not expire! Yes, you heard that right! Once you buy a kit, it will last a lifetime and you can simply replace the Arnica from the manufacturer!

Homeopathy Is an Effective Complement to Emergency, Hospital, and Conventional Care

In India, where we have studied homeopathy extensively, homeopathy is considered a vital and invaluable complement to pharmaceuticals, even in emergency medicine. Our Indian homeopathic mentors treat the most serious chronic and acute diseases, often with referrals from their allopathic colleagues. The results, which we watch by video in seminars, speak for themselves. I have, only on rare occasions, had the opportunity to give remedies to hospitalized patients. But, how amazingly effective homeopathy could be, as it is in India, for patients in urgent care or with drug-resistant conditions, along with the appropriate conventional care. This could not only reduce side effects and prescription drug mistakes, but it could reduce the cost of hospital stays and speed post-hospitalization recovery.

Illness and Death Due to Pharmaceutical Drugs and Medical Mistakes Is Enormous

I could cite countless statistics about the horrific effects of iatrogenic (illness caused by medical intervention). But you readers are sophisticated enough to find this information online, and there are more citations than I could possibly include. You are well aware that treatment for infections suppresses and can even lead to death. Antibiotics, in many cases, are no longer cost-effective even for the manufacturers, leading some pharmaceutical producers to go bankrupt, and leaving patients with antibiotic-resistant disease at risk of death. I have yet to hear of any death, ever, from homeopathy. It is not possible since they are so gentle due to serial dilution.

Homeopathy Works at the Level of the Vital Force and Can Reverse Symptom Suppression

I do not need to teach readers of this column that conventional pharmaceuticals and treatment can suppress disease rather than heal. For an incredible example, I refer readers to my previous Townsend Letter article: “Homeopathic Chelation of Methotrexate” (January 2018). One of the brilliant effects of homeopathy is called the “return of old symptoms.” This means that, after being given the simillimum (most exact) remedy, the patient may relive the exact symptoms (s)he experienced in the past, often in the reverse order of which they presented originally (Herring’s Law of Cure.) What does this say? That the imbalance in the vital force was suppressed, driven deeper, rather than cured. Suppression results in a deeper level of imbalance or dis-ease, than the patient had in the first place. This is possible because there is a cellular memory which stores the pattern of the disease. How truly amazing that this memory can be triggered, and subsequently released, after being given the correct homeopathic remedy!

Homeopathy Removes Limitations to Freedom

One of my introductory books to the subject of homeopathy, which I read in 1979, during my first year at Bastyr, was The Science of Homeopathy by George Vithoulkas, my earliest teacher. Homeopathy, he explained, removes the limitations to freedom on the physical, mental, and emotional levels. This leads to increased energy and relief of pain and physical limitation, clarity of mind; and greater emotional balance and happiness. Very few other forms of healing can claim such a far-reaching effect. Conventional drugs are prescribed to relieve physical pain and suffering, psychiatric medications to reduce depression and anxiety, but how many pharmaceuticals do you know that truly heal mind, body, and emotions?

Homeopathy Is an Effective Response for Refugees and Migrants Worldwide

At this time in history, when there is a migration of millions forced from their homes and homelands, with virtually no possessions and luck to escape alive, drastic healing measures are required. These individuals and families have no money and suffer terrible hardships on all levels, including homelessness and the grief of having lost those near and dear. This is where Homeopaths Without Borders, a group of heroic volunteers, steps in to assist in medical emergencies and close the most desperate health care gaps  https://www.hwbna.org/  First-aid and  acute homeopathic care is ideal for these homeless, penniless, traumatized individuals and families. With a bit of training, a small homeopathic first-aid kit, and an open heart, homeopathic miracles can and do occur regularly. I am not aware of homeopaths helping Latino refugees on the US/Mexican border, and I doubt, from what I have read, that it is permitted. But what a powerful healing gift it could provide to these families and children. There are wonderful remedies for shock and fright (Aconite), grief (Ignatia), and for the other conditions these traumatized folks are facing. 

Homeopathy as an Intervention for the Environment

There is a little-known, but brilliant, book, Homoeopathy for Farm and Garden by Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj, a bonified character, who found homeopathy in the 70s when no other form of healing could cure his serious illness; he eventually passed a couple of years ago. “He began his work with plants in Switzerland in 1986 when a friend suggested he try treating an apple cordon that had developed a virulent bright red rust. To everyone’s surprise, Belladonna cleared the rust and left a much better-tasting apple than that tree had produced up until then! This experience inspired the years of research in Australia and Europe that form the basis for this book.”

I have brought a few of his suggested remedies, including Helix tosta (slug), down to Southern Chile, where we have an organic farm. I wished I had brought Bombyx (caterpillar) for our recent invasion of cuncunas. I plan to make a homeopathic preparation of pilme (notorious and rampant potato blister beetles who decimate our garden). This is only the beginning of what might be possible with homeopathy to heal agriculture and the environment. If any readers know of any farmers using homeopathy agriculturally, please let me know!

Homeopathy Can Be Gentle and Effective for End-of-Life Care

Now that we, the boomers, yours truly included, are entering our senior years, there is much talk and awareness about how we want to stay healthy and enjoy longevity, how to spend our final years and decades on this planet, and how to gracefully exit. One of our generational heroes, Baba Ram Dass, whose latest book, Walking Each Other Home, has served as a wonderful inspiration for me and my close friends, just died peacefully, at the age of 88. Many of my contemporaries have no desire to end their lives in a nursing home, on life support, or in an ICU or nursing home, drugged and dumbed down. Many of us know about the pharmaceuticals, mostly opiates, offered by hospice to relieve pain. But, do you know that homeopathic remedies can assist beautifully in the dying process?

Let me share with you what happened with Bob’s mother, when she passed from lung cancer some years back. Madeline was surrounded, in her home in rural Pennsylvania, by loving family, including her sons and daughter-in-law. Hospice care was being provided to ease her suffering, and the family knew the end was near. Madeline was drifting in and out of consciousness, weak and intermittently aware of her surroundings. The most common homeopathic remedy for the final stage of life is Arsenicum album (arsenic). The symptom picture is of a very anxious person, restless, afraid of death, and panicky. This was quite the opposite of Madeline. She barely moved, her eyes were shut, her breathing was slow but steady. Bob had with him homeopathic Opium, which he thought, might ease her final transition and the effects of the opioids she had been given. He put the pellets under Madeline’s tongue, she looked at him clearly and intensely, got up to go to the bathroom one last time, returned to her bed, and died peacefully with full awareness. Bob will never forget the clarity of her gaze…that one final, intense sharing. And the hospice nurse was speechless…in disbelief that Madeline had been able to get up and relieve herself while so weak and close to death. And to cross over in peace!

Homeopathy for Animals

I have sworn by homeopathy for three and a half decades for our pets. A raw meat diet with oatmeal, raw chicken wings, blended kale, carrots, and chard, and a few supplements have been a godsend for our six golden retrievers over the past 35 years—plus, our senior German shepherd who lived to about 15, and various of our kitties. Rhus-tox, in particular, has worked miracles for joint problems of aging. But their constitutional remedies have kept them largely pain-free and led to long, happy, healthy lives. It is far easier to administer tiny pellets or a couple of drops of a remedy to a cat than pills, believe me! I cannot begin to tell you the success stories I have heard from homeopathic veterinarians of their dramatic cures.

My dream, which I have not yet been able to realize in this lifetime, is to be a veterinary homeopath with wild animals. I read whatever I can get my hands on about animals in Africa, India, Thailand, and in zoos. What I would give to be able to treat a baby elephant who has lost his or her mom to murder for her tusks. These toddlers cry tears, just like humans, when they are abandoned. I would love to pop some Ignatia into their adorable, giant mouths! The closest I have come is to treat some of my human patients with remedies like elephant’s milk (Lac loxodonta)! I can only imagine how effective it could be! Maybe I’ll have a chance when we go on a wildlife viewing safari in Kenya next September!

Homeopathy Is Irreplaceable

In conclusion, there is no other form of healing that can take the place of homeopathy. A group of us has been meditating together once a week for the past month to visualize the continued flourishing of homeopathy and availability of homeopathic remedies in the US. We do so in “Circle of 8” with the intention of joining on the subtler planes to encourage FDA employees to act wisely in their decisions regarding homeopathy and of envisioning our remedies continuing to be widely available on shelves of health food stores, pharmacies, and as prescribed by homeopathic doctors and practitioners.

As a veteran homeopathic doctor, educator, and patient, I ask readers, from the bottom of my heart, to support us in this effort to keep homeopathy alive and well in the US, in whatever ways you can!

*FDA extended its comment period until March 23, 3030, an extra 60 days instead of hoped for 180-day extension (InsideHealthPolicy.com;  January 7, 2020).

Judyth Reichenberg -Ullman is a licensed naturopathic physician, board certified in homeopathy. She previously received her Master’s in Psychiatric Social Work from the University of Washington. Dr. Reichenberg sees patients in person at Serene Natural Health in Edmonds, Washington, as well as by phone consultation internationally. Fluent in Spanish and French, Dr. Reichenberg is passionate about homeopathy and uses the Sensation Method of Dr. Rajan Sankaran. Drs. Reichenberg-Ullman and Dr. Robert Ullman have been together over 35 years and live on Whidbey Island, Washington, and in Pucón, Chile. Avid adventure travelers, they have visited nearly 50 countries, including hiking two Caminos in Spain and Portugal. Dr. Ullman retired from homeopathic practice as of April 1, 2020.

Dr. Reichenberg is the author of Whole Woman Homeopathy and co-author with Dr. Ullman of eight books on homeopathy: Ritalin-Free Kids, Homeopathic Self Care (with companion kit), The Savvy Traveler’s Guide to Homeopathy and Natural Medicine, Whole Woman Homeopathy,  A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome and Autism, The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorder, and Rage-Free Kids as well as Mystics, Masters, Saints and Sages—Stories of Enlightenment. Pioneers in their field, they have been columnists for the Townsend Letter since the early 90s. They taught originally at Bastyr University, then offered seminars internationally, most recently in Prague in 2018.

Please visit their website at  www.healthyhomeopathy.com (which contains a wealth of articles, blogs, and more) and Facebook at Healthy Homeopathy. She can be reached by phone at (425) 774-5599 or through email at drreichenberg@gmail.com. Dr. Reichenberg-Ullman was recently honored by the American Holistic Health Association in their anniversary ebook: https://ahha.org/30th-anniversary .
