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From the Townsend Letter
November 2018

Rx: Earth – The Original Painkiller!
Exploiting the Planet's Natural Anti-Inflammatory Power for Pain Relief
by James L. Oschman,* PhD, Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, Gaétan Chevalier, PhD, and Martin Zucker
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Grounding My Patients: One Practitioner's Experience

Wendy Menigoz, DN (Doctor of Naprapathy), a naprapathic pain specialist in Bourbonnais, Illinois, has routinely recommended and applied grounding to patients for more than eight years.
"People I see are often desperate. After an initial consultation, I give them some grounding patches, and tell them to come back in a week. I tell them to ground themselves in bed at night. They come back, with their pain dramatically reduced, sometimes gone altogether. Probably 98 percent of my patients are grounding. They love it.
"I see head, neck and back pain, period pain, plantar fasciitis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, and everything in between. My patients include doctors and other health professionals, who have tried everything else before they come to see me.
"Some, after experiencing significant benefits from Earthing, have asked me, ‘How long do I have to do this?' I laugh, and answer that for as long as they want to feel better.
"To explain grounding to patients, I just remind them that vitamin D comes from a ball – the sun − 93 million miles away sending us energy frequency that reaches our skin. We also have a ball – the Earth we live on – that has energy frequencies we need in order to be healthy. That seems to make sense to patients. Simple and easy to understand.
"I require my patients to ground themselves. I sell them a $10 Earthing cord and give them a strip of patches. If it doesn't work, I give them back their money. I get very few of those. People love it. It works. It's simple.
"Keep in mind that I put these folks on some diet and supplement program as well. A combination. To me grounding is every bit as important as drinking enough water, getting sunshine, fresh air, and eating well.
"I get a lot of young women in their 20s with terrible cramps, blood flow not good. I tell them to lie on an Earthing mat or place it across their belly and sleep with it. They can't believe how it gets rid of their period cramps.
"Many women have said they weren't regular ever and now their periods come right on time. Not all, but some women will lose their hot flashes. One of the 'worse things' about grounding is that some of my middle-aged women get their periods back because they are getting healthy. They aren't happy about that.
"Well, I tell them, do you feel better, aches and pains gone, sex drive back?
"Well yes, they say. 'I love/hate you.'
"The fibromyalgia patients seem to get the quickest results. People with all-over body pains. They will tell me they aren't stiff in the morning anymore, or can go long periods of time without any pain at all.
"I have a patient, 54, with severe rheumatoid arthritis. If you saw her, you would be wondering how she was walking. Crippled up. Now she walks all over. She has had surgery on her ankles, hips, wrists, and is in pain constantly. She is a friend. I had been talking to her about Earthing, but she didn't listen. She finally came in. I talked to her about Earthing…again. Her husband was there and said openly it was ridiculous.
"I said just try it, and if doesn't work I will give you your money back. This time she listened. She came back two weeks later. 'I cannot believe how my pain has decreased,' she said, almost in tears. She had just come back from a trip from Europe and said she was able to walk on the tour. Before she could never do that without bad pain and pain medication.
"She said she not only got significant overall pain reduction but also her period back after five years.
"People facing knee or hip replacement? Earthing patches or wrapping their joints with an Earthing mat helps take the pain away at night. And it will help them get through the day if they patch at night. If there is a lack of cartilage, Earthing helps to create an environment where perhaps cartilage regrowth can happen. But I also need to get vitamins and minerals into them.
"I tell them to put the mat under their hips or low back.
"One new patient, his early 60s, came in on a Thursday. He works as an exterminator, and, on the weekend, plays in two different rock bands as a drummer. In his work, he carries around a heavy spray container. He complained that he couldn't move his right arm. His shoulder was killing him. He had a gig the next night.
"I told him I wasn't going to work on him, but I was going to give him an Earthing cord and some patches. And said that would help take down the inflammation. Then I explained Earthing. He was looking at me and didn't seem happy about my opinion. I then said to him that if I work on him and do my soft tissue and connective tissue work on him, he would be sore afterward and absolutely wouldn't be able to use that arm. I told him to go home, put this patch on, wear it that night, and then while drumming, use the patch on the scapula, below the shoulder. He very reluctantly said he would, but I could see he thought he had wasted his money. I told him to come back Tuesday.
"When he came back. I had an intern with me. I asked him how he was doing. He answered, 'If I wasn't married, I would ask you to marry me!' We both started laughing.
"He told me that when he had left on Thursday he was pissed. When he got home he threw the patches and cord on the kitchen table. His wife was cool and said he might as well try it, since he paid for it.
"'So I put it on my shoulder,' he told me. 'I slept like a danged baby. I got up and I felt great. And I put it on while I was drumming the next night. I am the oldest guy in the group. These guys are in their late 20s and early 30s. Normally if I do one band job on a Friday night and Saturday and Sunday I am dead. I kicked butt that night. Slept with the patch Friday night, and drummed again on Saturday night. I was going like a madman.'
"After a couple of weeks, continuing his grounding, he told me that he was able to handle the spray tank without any problem during his exterminating job.
"Patients have told me that headaches have disappeared or dramatically lessened in intensity. Several women with multiple sclerosis have had remarkable remissions. One of them is a woman whose developmentally disabled daughter also benefitted with major relief of arthritic ankles. Patients with sciatica, plantar fasciitis, and various kinds of diabetic neuropathy have also benefitted. They take much less pain medication. They feel better and they are happier.
"One man had been scheduled for double knee replacement surgery. His pain level dropped so much in a short period of time that the operation was put on hold. He's out biking and exercising. He couldn't do that before.
"I told a friend about Earthing whose husband is a veterinarian with chronic hip pain. She brought him a grounding mat and he said he would use 'the silly thing' to humor her. He put it in his bed. The next morning he woke up without pain. The pain is still gone years later!
"I've seen many cases of improved blood pressure. A few male patients mentioned improvement of erectile dysfunction, which I assume is a result of better circulation.
"I've repeatedly seen conditions healed or improved that typically never get better, or that are typically treated with medication simply to manage the symptoms."

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James Oschman, PhD, has researched the science related to the healing benefits of Earthing for 15 years. He was the first to scientifically explain the transfer of free electrons from the Earth's pulsating surface into the electric matrix of the human body. His work explores the existence of a high-speed communication system extending throughout the body that responds to the energetic environment. His investigations, hypotheses, and published papers have given solid scientific basis to a paradigm-shifting health concept. Dr. Oschman is the director of Nature's Own Research Association in Dover, New Hampshire, and the author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000 and 2016) and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003). Dr. Oschman holds a PhD in biological sciences from the University of Pittsburgh. He has lectured and given workshops on energy medicine in 26 countries.

Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC (Fellow of the American College of Cardiology), FACN (Fellow of the American College of Nutrition), is a board-certified cardiologist and psychotherapist with more than thirty-five years of experience in helping patients prevent and reverse heart disease. He also is certified in anti-aging medicine and nutrition and is an expert in energy medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and a former chief of cardiology and medical education at Manchester (CT) Memorial Hospital. Dr. Sinatra is a co-author of the Earthing book. He has written many other books, including The Great Cholesterol Myth (Fair Winds Press, 2012), Reverse Heart Disease Now (Wiley, 2008), Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks (Ballantine Books, 2003), and The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology (Basic Health Publications, 2008). He is the host of the popular integrative cardiology website

Gaétan Chevalier, PhD, received his doctorate from the University of Montréal in Atomic Physics and Laser Spectroscopy in 1988, and subsequently participated for four years in nuclear fusion research at UCLA. In 1993, he became director of research and life physics at the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) and for a decade conducted research on human physiology and electrophysiology. Dr. Chevalier is currently lead faculty at CIHS, visiting scholar in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at University of California San Diego. He has been director of the Earthing Institute since 2009 and director of research at Psy-Tek Labs in Encinitas (CA) since 2010.

Wendy Menigoz, DN, is a naprapathic physician specializing in pain management and healing without surgery or injections. She uses a combination of grounding, electrical medicine, lasers, gentle manipulation of connective tissues, botanical, and supplemental medicine to help her patients attain a state of optimal health.

Health writer Martin Zucker has written or co-authored more than a dozen books, including the Earthing book, and written many articles for newspapers and magazines over a 60-year writing career. He is a former Associated Press foreign correspondent in Europe and the Middle East.
Financial Disclosure: James Oschman, Stephen Sinatra, Gaétan Chevalier, and Martin Zucker, are consultants for Earth FX, the company that makes indoor Earthing products. Wendy Menigoz has no connection with Earth FX.

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