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From the Townsend Letter
May 2014

Monthly Miracles
Kidney Stone Relief
by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD
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It's great to have a few miracles in your armamentarium, and none is more appreciated than the rapid relief of kidney stone pain. Sonnets have been written about the severity of renal lithiasis colic. The spasmodic nature of the pain, nausea, vomiting, pain radiating from the flank into the groin with fever, blood and/or white cells in the urine are usually a pretty straightforward diagnosis confirmed by an intravenous pyelogram (IVP). The pathophysiology of kidney stones is well summarized in Wikipedia. Current urological approaches to treatment are also summarized there. It is good to remember that stones measuring 5 mm or less usually pass by themselves, and with stones of 5 to 10 mm the rate of spontaneous passage is only about 53% and may require more intervention. Stones high in the ureter pass only 48% of the time compared with 79% of stones near the bladder.
Kidney-Bladder Distinct Meridian Therapy Amplified with Neural Therapy and Homeopathics: 10 Minutes Until Relief of Pain
To begin, I offer thanks for the kind permission of Joseph Helms, MD, to use material from his great textbook
Acupuncture Energetics: A Clinical Approach for Physicians.1 I always remember his video lecture from the UCLA Medical Acupuncture Training Course in 1997 on the Kidney-Bladder distinct meridian. It showed Helms jingling a metal urinal with kidney stones in it and roses sticking out the top from a grateful patient who passed his kidney stones after acupuncture treatment. Likewise, thanks to Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, teacher of neural therapy (NT) from Germany and medical innovator who brought us the power of procaine for normalization of the autonomic nervous system, especially for pain relief. One can't forget the Heel Company from Baden-Baden, Germany, which provides powerful combinations of homeopathic remedies, and Harry Philibert, MD, from New Orleans who brought us the IRR (infraspinatus respiratory reflex) on the scapulae, for immediate relief of asthma and pulmonary conditions and supraspinus injections of the dorsal spine for pain relief everywhere. Dr. Philibert passed away in 2008 at age 81.
Combining NT injections in intradermal wheals of procaine with Spascupreel over acupuncture points relating to the kidneys makes a happy combination of therapies for quick results in kidney stone colic. Draw up 3 cc of procaine (1% solution buffered to a pH of 7 with potassium hydroxide and no epinephrine) with 1 ampoule of Spascupreel containing
Aconitum napellus 6x, Agaricus muscarius 4x, Ammonium bromatum 4x, Atropinum sulphuricum 6x, Chamomilla 3x, Colocynthis 4x, Cuprum sulphuricum 6x, Gelsemium sempervirens 6x, Magnesia phosphorica 6x, Passiflora incarnata 2x, and Veratrum album. Use a 30 gauge needle (or 27 or 25 gauge), inject intradermal wheals over the Kidney-Bladder distinct meridian points of Bladder 10, Bladder 40, and Kidney 10 with the addition of the Kidney Shu point, Bladder 23, all bilaterally. Bl 10 is two fingerbreadths on each side of the occipital notch. Bl 40 is in the middle of the knee crease and KI 10 is in the medial aspect of the knee crease. BL 23 is three fingerbreadths lateral to each side of the back midline at about the level of the iliac crest. Relief of pain and nausea is almost immediate. Of course, using acupuncture needles in dispersion, twiddling counterclockwise, is also effective, as is adding electrical stimulation of 40 to 80 hertz, alternating positive and negative electrodes to the acupuncture needles. Procaine alone also works.
When in doubt concerning the location of the exact acupuncture points, one can carpet-bomb the various areas, base of the skull, midback spinal and paraspinal areas, and knee creases, and it still works. Dr. Philibert suggests injecting the CVA angles bilaterally and down the edges of the inferior ribs as well as the supraspinus ligaments between the dorsal processes of the vertebrae in these levels to a depth of about 1 inch. He used lidocaine 0.25% (lidocaine 0.5% diluted with equal amounts of saline).

A Few Cases
A 60-year-old female with a history of kidney stones and acute CVA tenderness, and nausea with pain radiating into the groin was completely relieved of pain in the first few minutes after the first NT injection with Spascupreel. She didn't notice stones passing in her urine and has been asymptomatic for approximately 5 years.
A 60-year-old male with a many-year history of kidney stones was in a 2-week bout of pain medicated on Vicodin. His urologist said he had 9 stones and was in the ER every other night. His burning pain completely resolved after two NT treatments.
A 59-year-old female had been hospitalized in the ICU for 3 days with kidney stones 6 months earlier and now had recurring, debilitating kidney pain radiating to the groin that was 90% relieved after the first NT series and completely resolved with NT two days later.

Lithotripsy: No Walk in the Park.
We remember a patient prior to coming to us who relayed his history of lithotripsy several years previously for kidney stones. He experienced a renal artery laceration, which required transfusion of 6 units of blood and hospitalization for 6 weeks. ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) has many side effects, including local bruising and damage to blood vessels of the kidney.2,3 Kidney injury is dose dependent and can be severe, including internal bleeding and subcapsular hematomas.4 Occasionally blood transfusions may be required and even lead to acute renal failure. Elderly patients have an increased incidence of acute onset hypertension and diabetes after ESWL.

Other Kidney-Bladder Distinct Meridian Uses
This acupuncture couplet has many other fabulous uses, including "problems of the descending colon, rectum, and anus, such as spastic colitis, inflammation of irritable bowel, diarrhea from intestinal malfunction or microbial infection, internal or external hemorrhoids, and anal fissures. It also addresses urinary tract disorders, from pyelonephritis and nephrolithiasis to chronic cystitis, prostate disease, urethritis, and incontinence. It can be activated to treat ovarian and uterine diseases, including complications of pelvic adhesions and pain on the posterior wall of the pelvis. Finally, the Kidney-Bladder distinct meridian couplet can be employed to treat coccygeal and deep axial back pain, especially low thoracic and lumbar pain."5
Last weekend a 60-year-old female staff member's son called to tell us that his mother was on the floor and unable to move for the last four or five hours secondary to 10 out of 10 pain in her left flank. On our arrival, her vital signs were normal and she had normal bowel sounds with no history of kidney stones and was 1 year post complete hysterectomy. She was extremely tender to palpation over the area. After we did the Kidney-Bladder distinct meridian areas and chased the pain down her left flank with more intradermal wheals of procaine and Spascupreel, her pain went down to a 2 out of 10 in about 15 minutes and remained low with gradual dissipation over the next several days. We also used Aconitum 200C (I think I'm gonna die) and Rescue Remedy (five-flower Bach Remedy). This situation could have created an extensive and expensive workup in the ER should she have chosen to go to the hospital, with much analgesic drugging.
I encourage you to try this approach in your practice. Patients really appreciate it.

Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

1. Helms JM. Acupuncture Energetics A Clinical Approach for Physicians. Berkeley, CA: Medical Acupuncture Publishers; 1995:195–198.
2. Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, et al. 2007 Guideline for the management of urethral calculi. J Urol. 2007;178(6):2418–2434.
3. Evan AP, McAteer JA. Q-effects of shock wave lithotripsy. In: Coe FL, Favus MJ, Pak CYC, Parks JH, Preminger GM, eds. Kidney Stones: Medical and Surgical Management. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1996:549–560.
4. Seitz C, Liatsikos E, Porpiglia F, Tiselius HG, Zwergel U. Medical therapy to facilitate the passage of stones: what is the evidence? Eur Urol. September 2009;56(3):455–471.
5. Helms. Op cit.

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