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Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients'
May 2005
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Inflammation and Heart Disease: A Holistic Perspective
by William Ferril, MD
A clear scientific explanation of how the statins work and how they lead to heart disease. A must read!

A Multifactorial Approach to Heart Disease
by Amy Yasko, PhD, ND, NHD, AMD, HHP, FAAIM & Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
Natural RNA therapy may be the next scientific breakthrough for heart disease, and other multifactorial diseases.

Shy-Drager Syndrome (MSA) Reversal Through Alternative Medicine
by S. Colet Lahoz, RN, MS, LAc
This rare progressive neurological disorder has been reversed and patients show remarkable progress with this treatment protocol.

Annapurna: A Skeptic Ventures into the Mysteries of Self-Healing
by Betty Shafer, RN
A first-hand report on the holistic techniques of the liver and gallbladder cleanse, using colonics and live foods.

ViaViente: The Ultimate Phytotonic
by Morton Walker, DPM
This new health tonic is based on the mineral-laden water used by the Vilcabambans who lived to be 100 years old.


briefed by Jule Klotter

Literature Review & Commentary
by Alan R. Gaby, MD

The War on Cancer
A New View of Cancer's Origins
by Ralph W. Moss, PhD

Phytotherapy Review & Commentary
Rhodiola: The Arctic Adaptogen
by Michelle Morgan and Kerry Bone, FNIMH, FNHAA

Health Risks and Environmental Issues
POPs Treaty
by Rose Marie Williams, MA

Pathways to Healing
True North Health Center Practices Upstream Medicine
by Elaine Zablocki

Chinese Medicine Update
Chinese Medicine & Coronary Heart Disease
by Bob Flaws, Dipl. Ac & CH, FNAAOM, FRCHM

Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology Review & Commentary
by Robert A. Anderson, MD

Ayurvedic Science Updates
Heavy Metals in Ayurvedic Preparations
by Virender Sodhi, MD (Ayurved), ND

Townsend's New York Observer
Update on Dr. Jennifer Daniels
by Marcus A. Cohen

Acupuncture and Moxibustion
The Concept of Inflammation and Its Relationship to Acupuncture
by Honora Lee Wolfe, Dipl. Ac., Lic. Ac., FNAAOM

Medical Anthropology
The Paleoecology of Pinworms
by Tim Batchelder, BA

Oxygen Homeostasis
Oxygen Governs the Inflammatory Response and Adjudicates Man-Microbe Conflicts
by Majid Ali, MD

Healing with Homeopathy
Using Liquid Remedies for Greater Flexibility in Homeopathic Prescribing and Case Management
by Judyth Reichenberg and Robert Ullman, NDs

Therapeutic Nutrition
The Anti-infective and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Glutamine
by Gina Nick, PhD

Web Page Potpourri
Health Data Mapping
by Marjorie Roswell

Highly Effective Treatments for Pain and Fatigue
Antibiotic-Sensitive Infections in CFS/Fibromyalgia
by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Naturopathic Perspectives
Considerations in the Prevention of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
by Jason Barker, ND and Chris Meletis, ND

Women's Health Update
Breastfeeding Support: Improving Quality and Quantity of Breast Milk
by Tori Hudson, ND and Linda Healow RN, BSN, IBCLC

Nutritional Influences on Illness
Some Nutritional Influences on Inflammation
by Melvyn R. Werbach, MD


Is Aspartame Safe?
by Alan R. Gaby, MD

Letters to the Editor

Klenner Protocol First Step for MS Control

Prostaglandin Role in Inducing and Suppressing Inflammation in MS

The Link Between Adrenal Fatigue and DNA Methylation

An In-Office Evaluation of Four Dietary Supplements on Natural Killer Cell Activity

How Emotional Conflicts Affect our Bodies


Handbook of Psychotropic Herbs
by Ethan Russo, MD
review by Irene Alleger

Herbal Voices: American Herbalism Through the Words of American Herbalists
by Anne Kathleen Dougherty, MA
review by Irene Alleger

The Antibiotic Alternative
by Cindy L.A. Jones, PhD
review by Irene Alleger

The Principles and Practice of Integrative Medicine, Volume III, Dysoxygenosis and Oxystatic Therapies
by Majid Ali, MD
review by Katherine Duff

. . . the regular features, commentary and opinions we can count on each month from our distinguished columnists.




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August 16, 2006