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From the Townsend Letter
August / September 2010

Preventing Illness with Nutritional Balancing
review by Jule Klotter

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Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis
4th edition, by Lawrence Wilson, MD
The Center For Development Inc.; PO Box 54, Prescott, AZ 86302-0054;
©2010; 698 pp; $35.00

"The single most important aspect of balancing the lifestyle is resting more. Rest and sleep are critical activities. They are times for regeneration, healing and development of the mind and body. Rest and sleep are never a waste of time, even though a few people use them as escapes."

For over 30 years, Lawrence Wilson, MD, has used nutritional balancing, as taught by Dr. Paul Eck, to support his clients' health. Dr. Eck found that mineral levels in hair samples and the ratios between key minerals reflect cellular stresses. If left uncorrected, these stresses can eventually produce illness. "A properly interpreted hair analysis can identify the beginnings of disease often years in advance of other methods," writes Dr. Wilson. Nutritional balancing is particularly helpful before overt disease arises; it is true preventive care. The program also benefits people with many different diagnoses. Cancer is the one exception; Dr. Wilson does not recommend nutritional balancing for people with active cancer.

Nutritional balancing rebalances body chemistry, using hair mineral analysis as a guide. The body is viewed as "one complex, self-regulating, whole system" instead of separate organs and isolated symptoms. As the oxidation rate and mineral ratios approach balance, the body's innate detoxification and healing systems activate. "Dr. Eck discovered that if one corrects the oxidation rate and the major ratios on a hair mineral test, most symptoms go away on their own," Dr. Wilson explains.

Hair samples, if treated properly at the laboratory, give a three-month average of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and other necessary minerals that are being excreted in the hair. Some of these minerals are water-soluble. Consequently, washing hair samples – a common practice at many laboratories will skew the mineral ratios that are necessary to accurately analyze the person's cellular stress.

Dr. Eck did not find blood samples useful for identifying subtle stress because blood is buffered. The body responds to chemical imbalances in the blood by pulling minerals from body tissues. Also, blood and urine samples fluctuate according to short-term stress or contents of a meal. Hair samples, on the other hand, indicate long-term patterns. Diet, lack of sleep, occupation, stress, and exercise habits all affect hair mineral levels. Decades of research using over 200,000 hair samples taught Dr. Eck that "one can infer certain information about mineral metabolism in certain organs by knowing the stress response patterns as indicated on the hair mineral test." From the mineral ratios and values, Dr. Eck could evaluate a person's metabolic type, adrenal function, thyroid function, digestion, sympathetic/parasympathetic balance, hidden toxicities, presence or absence of inflammation, and personality traits.

Good nutrition (according to one's metabolic type), plenty of rest and sleep, and high-quality water are cornerstones for restoring balance. A few select supplements, recommended according to the most recent hair analysis, are also part of the program. In addition, Dr. Wilson has found infrared lamp sauna, a meditation exercise by Roy Masters, and, sometimes, coffee enemas helpful in gently eliminating toxins and reducing physical and mental stress. The idea is to help the body rebalance gently – trusting the body's wisdom to proceed at its own pace. As you can see, this program requires active participation from the client.

Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis introduces the basics of nutritional balancing, the science behind it, and the program's use of hair mineral analysis. It also discusses the key minerals and ratios and how physical, psychological, and even spiritual conditions are linked to mineral patterns. Recognizing that nutritional balancing appeals to practitioners who are more interested in supporting health and preventing (rather than treating) disease, Dr. Wilson includes an interesting chapter on the legal aspects of nutritional balancing science and another on building a nutritional balancing practice. While not an actual textbook, Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis is an extremely valuable resource for those who seek a truly holistic program that works with the body's innate wisdom for accessing and maintaining vibrant health.


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